Chapter 1 "Rehab? No!"

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Later that week

Daniel’s P.O.V

“Daniel…Daniel!!”  “What have you done?”


I opened my eyes, I stared at an unknown room, and this isn’t mine. The walls are white and it smells like alcohol, I look around because I hear a beeping sound. Am I in a hospital? If I am why?

“I’m glad you’re awake Danny!” A familiar voice said, but where is it coming from. I looked all over the room but I couldn’t see anything only the stupid white walls.

“Over here you dummy!” I turned where the voice came from it was Nancy by the door, god I swear I checked the door how could I miss her maybe I am never paying good attention just like harry always said. Harry ugh I miss him so much! But I had to leave, in a way I regret leaving, I just left  because  of my stupid mind .I can’t believe I let him go just because of something so stupid. Why can’t I deal with this like others!? Why can’t I be strong just like the others? I am so weak and stupid. “Daniel are you alright?” Nancy brought me out of my thoughts, I even feel petty for myself.

“Yeah I’m fine!” I said with the best fake smile I could out on “Just thinking, Emm..Nancy Where am I?” With all the things in my head I didn’t even asked where I was, but in a way I don’t want to  know I am scared of the answer and of what I have done. 

“You’re in a hospital Daniel!” She said walking to my bed and sitting on the edge, the bright smile she had fade away like of the wind had taken it .

“Why? I don’t remember getting in an accident.” God did I get in an accident or maybe I was in coma and I never left harry and he is going to walk through that door with flowers and tell me his cheeky and bad jokes, but I will still laugh because even if they are the worst jokes on earth my curly haired guy told them to me and no one else.

“No Daniel you didn’t get in an accident you umm… got to my house crying saying that you had left harry, I didn’t know what to do and you told me that you were tired so I took you to my room to sleep. I went out to the store to get you some tea to calm you down. When I got home I went up to the room with the tea and you were on the floor with blood all over your wrist Danny.” 

Oh god I can’t believe I went to that level, god I am so ashamed of what I did I never thought that I would do that. Why don’t I remember doing that?

“Nancy oh my god sorry I didn’t mean to do that. I-I can’t believe I did that, I never meant to do it I am so sorry I really am!” I told her.

“Daniel you don’t have to apologue to me, you have to apologue to yourself because you hurt your body not mine, but even if you did it to yours it still hurts Daniel it hurts me!” She was about to cry I know it, and she is right I should apologues to myself for hurting my body all this time. “Daniel I think you need help, you need to go to rehab!” No not in a million year I am not going to rehab I don’t need help I am fine. I will get through this just will a little more time.

 “No, Nancy I’m fine okay I just need time. I don’t need to go to rehab I am fine, this was just an accident and it won’t happen again.”

She got up from the bed and put her hands on her head. She is mad like really mad and it’ s okay she has the right to be mad at me.

“Daniel stop just stop okay you need help! You can’t live like this forever, you have to get better!” I know I can’t live like this forever but it’s my decision not hers mine because it’s my life not hers not no ones I can do with my life whatever the fuck I want.

I got up from the bed and walked to her I know I can’t get up and I feel like shit but either way I did it.

“No I don’t need help just time I am going to get through this okay it’s my life Nancy not yours just because you had to go to rehab because you were a fucking alcoholic doesn’t mean I need to go in there too!”   

Once those words left my mouth I regret it. “Nancy I-I didn’t mean that I-just- I’m so sorry Nancy!”

“Who are you Daniel? Because I can assure you that’s not my little sister you’re not the caring and sweet girl I used to know!” With that Nancy went out leaving me there standing “You not the caring and sweet girl I used to know” Those words where replaying in my head. She is right I need help and I am going to get help.

A/N: Hope you like chapter 1 I know kinda bad and all but  I will improve just give me time ...Please? Tell me what you think about it&&Send me some stories i'd love to read them.

Stay Strong

-Vanii xx

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