Chapter 3

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He bothers me so much. But, being honest, I was excited to see how our little night out would turn out.

It was now 5:30. I decided to head to the bathroom to take a shower. I just grabbed a towel and went in.

Once I got out, I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out trying to decide what to wear. It was already 6 o'clock and Harry would be picking me up in an hour. I needed to make a quick decision. I decided on wearing a dress. He did say to wear something nice. So I take out a classy but not too fancy cream dress that fits me right and shows off my curves. For the shoes, i took another ten hours deciding which colour. Finally, i grabbed my black pumps and put them on.

Once done dressing up, I turned on my straightener and decided to curl my hair. I put on some mascara and a bit of eye liner. If I put too much I'll look like I just came out of a gothic movie. Honestly, I dont want to be looking like that on my date with Harry. Wait... what am I saying... this is NO date. Anyways, I started to curl my hair and am very satisfied with the result.

The door bell rings and I immediately know its Harry.

"Allisooooonnn!!!!" my mom yells, "Harry is here!"

"Great", I whisper to myself. "Ill be there in a minute!"

Thankfully, I had finished my hair and decide to put on some lip gloss. It had a red tint to it which complimented the whole look. Once I finished, I head downstairs and notice my mom talking to Harry.

"So, Harry, it's so nice to see Al going out with guys again! Ever since-"

I cut her off before she starts talking about Josh, my ex, and bringing up unwanted memories. "Mom, first of all, im not going out with Harry, we're just two... uh... friends... going out for dinner. Second, dont bring that up again."

"Sorry darling"

"Its fine. Ready?"

"Erm, yeah let's go." Harry starts walking out of the house. I glare at my mom before following him.

As I step outside, the warm air surrounds me and brings chills crawling up my spine. As I look up, I notice that he came in a black Audi R8. One of my favourite cars. Harry clears his throat as I start walking down my stairs to his car.

He walks to the passenger side and opens the door for me, motioning to get in. Once I get in, he closes the door and rushes to the other side. Honestly, forgetting the fact that he basically forced me into this, he's actually really cute. When he gets in, I realize how beautiful his emerald eyes really are. I also notice the way his dimples show when he smiles. SHIT. He caught me staring. I can feel my cheeks heating up and turning pinkish so i look out to the window.

"Like what you see?" he smirks, "take a picture, it lasts longer." I look at him in disbelief as he sends me a wink and chuckles, as I glare at him.

"Shut up" I mutter back.

"Hey, I wasn't the one staring."

"Ass hole."

He chuckles again. As if I had just complemented him. He's such a weirdo.

After a silent 10 minute drive, we reach our destination. Harry walks out of the car and skips to my side and opens the door for me. I get out, and he leads us to the restaurant. When we head inside, I gasp at the sight. It looks so beautiful and expensive. The floor is covered with beautiful rugs. the furnitures are all framed with carved wood. The velvet table cloths look marvellous. I think the interior designer who designed it was trying to reach a victorian look. And he has. As i kept daydreaming about the restaurant, it had hit me that this isn't no McDonalds nor another Swiss Chalet. This was expensive. I wonder how much it will cost Harry.

The plump lady at the cash looks up. She has her gaze fixed on Harry which bothers me for an unknown reason.

"Reservations?" she asks.

"Styles," Harry answers in a monotone voice.

Im glad he didn't try flirting with her. She leads us to the back of the restaurant and thank god, we get another waitress. She's quite old, maybe in her 50's so I feel more comfortable with her. I start to look and the menu as my eyes widen. I get shocked when I notice the price of everything.

"Dont worry about the money, pick whatever you want." Harry says as if he read my mind.

"Uhm, I'll just take steak. Rare please."

The waitress writes it down while Harry orders his food. He also orders a steak, just like mine. As an appetizer, he orders fries and some salad for the both of us, along with some red wine. Once she leaves us Harry begins to talk.

"So, wanna play a game?"


"Okay. So let's play 20 questions." He grins at me. "Rules are, no lying and every question must be answered."

"No. I dont trust you and I dont even know you enough to tell you my answers." Im beginning to already regret ever coming here with him.

"Well, you'll get to know me once we start the game." He made me seem like the dumb one with this reply.

Just on cue, the waitress comes back with our food. I thank her and with that she leaves us. I start dreading the minutes that will follow as our 20 question game will begin.

"So," he gives a devilish smirk, "lets begin." And with that, the long minutes ive been dreading begin.


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You can also follow me on insta @nourxox_

Omg longest chapter so far.

<3333 love you xx


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