Chapter Five (Episode Three:Couple photoshoot)

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The last thing,we filmed on the show was when we received a mission card saying that we have a photoshoot to do together. Right now,i' am at the practice room of the company,well to be honest we are resting while sitting in a cercle on the floor.
"So unnie,how is things going with our brother-in-law?"asked Clara while grining from ear to ear.
"Well we are doing good,still awkward around each other but we're making progress tough"
"Any skinship that happened and we should perhaps know about?" Asked hyeri.
I blushed at the question and the room erupted in cheers and tesing words from my band mates.
"So it hapenned ?Did you hold hands?" asked Hannah while wiggling her eyebrows and a big smile plastered on her face.
"We went to see our new house,at the door he picked me up bridal style and went inside with me in his arms"
"Lucky you"said Suji with a hint of jealousy in her voice,so i smiled widely to make her even more jealous.

We continued our little chat until our manager barged into the room to inform us that it was time for our interview with "Entertainment Weekly",we drove to KBS station,many fans were waiting infront of the building. I smiled at some and waved at some while making my way inside.
They quickly pulled us inside a large dressing room to get ready, i wore this outfit and a natural looking makeup to match my concept.
"Oh,oppa,how are you doing?"Hannah suddenly greeted someone,i didn't pay attention because at first until i heard my name being called.
"I'm good,Where is my little bride?" I turned around to see who was talking,when i saw none other than G-dragon oppa inside our dressing room.
I quickly jumped and gave him a long hug, we're pretty close together since our debut he never left my side.
"Oppa,what are you doing here?"
"Yaa,you should be happy seeing me"
"Sorry your highness,i really missed you"
"Me too,anyways i came here to congratulate you,i heard you got paired with Shinee Onew"
"You are friends?"
"We are friends yeah,gotta go now,text me details about you two"
"Ay ay,captain" I saluted as he ruffled my hair and i screamed at him but he ignored me as usual and said goodbye to the members.

Interview session:

Interviewer The girls

"Everyone brace yourselfs because you are about to see an amazing girlband that had their sexy and powerful comeback last week,it's Twist"

'Annyeonghaseyo,We are Twist"
"I'm Han Hyeri"
"I'm Lee Ji Eun"
"I'm Kim Suji"
"I'm Hannah"
"I'm Clara

"Yes,nice to meet you everyone. My first question will be for Kim Suji:what is the most annoying thing about being a leader?"

"Well,being a leader can be fun but sometimes this girls cannot be tamed and they are so loud so i have a hard time keeping them behaved"

"(Laughs) Well we wish you all the luck,my second question is:Who came up with this choreoghraphy?"

"Well this time,Yg sir took the responsability of choreographing this song for us"

"Oh Btw it's such a hard dance to do and also very entertaining to watch. And now it's time to talk about your personal life"
We all laughed at this and i knew exactly what the interviewer is planning to do.

"This question is specially made for our Lee Ji Eun (laughs) How does is it feel like to be married?"

"To be honest,it doesn't feel different than my usual self besides the fact that my male fans are upset and his female fans probably hates me now"

"Yes,they were all disapointed and sad because they're lost their chances but anyways you belong to Onew-ssi now"

"Speaking of our brother in law,i think you should leave a video message for him" said Hyerin the troublemaker and the interviewer agreed right away.
I faced the camera shyly and took a deep breath and said.

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