The Fast Stranger

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It had taken them just over half an hour to scour the yellow pages in search of the name the stranger - Logan- had given them. Turns out there were a couple Maximoff families in DC. Four to be exact. The first two had been a bust, with no 'Peter Maximoff' to be found. It was on their way to the third that Thea voiced the question she had been dying to ask,

"So, what am I like in the future?" She turned to the man that sat in the seat next to hers. Her and Logan had been forced in the back since Hank was the designated driver and Charles simply refused to give up the passenger seat. Logan, who had spent most of the trip gazing blankly out the window, turned to her only to shrug in response,

"I can't tell you " Thea raised her eye brow in retaliation,

"Why? Cause it'll mess up the future or something?" She questioned "Because with everything you just spilled in the house I'm pretty sure we're well past that"


The man clearly wanted his blunt statement to be the end of it, but Thea sent him a questioning stare that clearly wanted a proper answer.

"Look I can't tell what your like in the future kid, cause I don't know you in the future"

Thea fell back in her seat once more, "huh"

The answer was not one she had been expecting and had rendered her at a loss for words. She had just assumed that since he had known Charles and Hank, that he would automatically know her too. They were family after all.

"Look I'm pretty sure your name was mentioned with a few others" Logan sighed, like he could tell his previous answer had unsettled her " You were just never there in all the time I stayed at the school."

"What, so I never visited or anything?"

"Not that I knew of. Like I said kid, I only heard your name a couple times in passing"

That answer was no less baffling. She knew there would come a day where she would vacate the old building and start a life for herself. She just didn't see herself leaving it all behind for good, leaving Charles and Hank.

"Probably off in Peru or something, doing all that travelling you want to do" Hank supplied to fill the silence, smiling at her through the rearview mirror. Thea sent him one back, though slightly hesitant. Trying to shake the unease from herself, she turned to Logan once again.

"That's a dream of mine, you know? Not go to Peru, specifically, but travelling. In general. I want to see the world" The man nodded but she could tell he wasn't all that interested. Not in her dreams at least, but perhaps somewhat in her predicament as he rounded on her with a question of his own,

"Yeah, speaking of travelling, from what I heard all the kids were shipped out of here pretty quick, either off home or off to enlistment. How come you stuck around?"

"I was too small to hold a rifle" She quipped, only to be met with silence "That-that was a joke." She clarified, rubbing at the back of her neck " I mean at the time I was obviously way too young to be sent to fight or whatever, Plus I'm a girl so that was out of the question anyway. And I didn't really have anywhere else to go when the school eventually closed. Figured I'd end up in care or on the streets, but luckily these two let me stay" she smiled nodding her head in the direction of the two men in the front seats.

'Though I bet they regret that now huh?" She exclaimed, hitting the back head rest of Charles' seat in rapid succession.

The glare Charles sent her in the mirror had both her and the stoic man beside her chuckling quietly in the back seat.

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