Chapter 6: Let's Be Honest

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Time skip to 8:00 pm/ 20:00

After the little...'incident' happened today, Mark and Jack never spoke real words to each other, just little scoffs and growls. Sometimes even tiny pushes. I hated it so much. They were best friends, and they're friendship is coming apart because of me. We were all so tired, so we just sat on the couch, not caring who we sat next to. But I made myself end up in between Mark and Jack to keep them both calm and safe. I couldn't let them get hurt ever again. Not if it was my fault.

Jack cleared his throat awkwardly, and we just shifted our bodies to get comfortable.
"Um... Jack?" Mark asked suddenly. Jack didn't answer. "C'mon...I'm...I'm sorry..." Mark admitted. Jack perked up, and even though it was dark, I could just see the tiniest bit of lighting shining onto his face. That light made me see a little tear roll down his cheek.
"Really?" Jack asked shakily. Mark nodded, and looked down.
"Yeah...I don't know what got into me." He replied lowly.
"I guess you can say your 'Darkiplier' side kicked in...!" Jack cracked a joke.

We all got into a big group hug.
"I love you guys... I really do." I said, getting a little choked up. Mark and Jack snorted.
"Us, too." Mark and Jack said at the same time. We cried a little as we got out of the hug.
"You guys wanna...go to bed?" I asked, cracking a smile.
"Definitely," Mark said as Jack nodded. We walked into our separate rooms, and we called out a 'goodnight' to each other. Maybe today was bad, but it wasn't too bad. I ruffled into my bed as my e/c eyes dropped down.

Light. I awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs; what my mom used to make before she went missing. (Sorry if you hate eggs and/or bacon!)
"Y/n! Jack! Come and eat!" It was Mark who was making breakfast. I heard a groan come from Jack's room, and he got up. We both walked into the kitchen, and sat down. Mark had just finished the eggs and bacon.
"You guys are late sleepers. Jack, isn't sleep for the weak?" Mark joked. Jack gasped, and his blue eyes widened.
"Yeah! But I guess when a lovely lady like y/n is here, sadness is for the weak!" Jack flirted in a joking tone.

I blushed, and put my hand on Jack's shoulder.
"Thank you!" I chirped. Mark put our plates down in front of us. We ate them gladly, taking sips of water as we did.
"Good?" Mark asked us when we finished.
"Awesome!" Jack and I chirped at the same time. We all laughed happily. That's when we heard police sirens really close to our house.
"Guys, come'ere!" I hollered, pointing out the window. Mark and Jack came over to me, and we all gasped. We saw three unknown people and a policeman.

We couldn't tell if they were male or female, but we heard muffled voices getting louder and louder.
"Put your hands up!" The policeman said. But the three bandits didn't. They didn't even listen to him. The policeman put a gun in front of himself, and got ready to shoot. But, you'd never imagine what happened next. My heart stopped as the police man got shot three times; each time by each of the three people. He yelled, but I think he was killed. My heart barely beat as I stepped away from the window.

I looked away from the scene, and my heart went back to normal. But I hyperventilated. Mark and Jack ran towards me, and patted me gently.
"It's okay...policemen get shot at least three times a week..." Mark tried to assure me. I whimpered.
"But I don't wanna see it happen!!" I screamed. Mark and Jack backed away as I calmed down. I started to sob, though.
"Take a moment to think of just trust." I thought to myself.
'Everything's alright.' My mind told me. My heart said otherwise, but I shook it off, looking over at Mark and Jack.
"It's okay. We're here." Jack assured me, hugging my tightly. Mark nodded, and smiled.
"Yeah..." Mark cooed, as he hugged me, as well.

Funny You're The Broken One (Markiplier x Female! Reader x Jacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now