Mathematics Flu

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YES I KNOW terrible poem, i recently discoverd some old works, and just thought I'd post 'em on here. Feel free to skip this one, you won't hurt my feelings...:)

Numbers swirling in the air,

They seem to drive me nuts!

To solve these equations, I really don't care,

And the problem is, there's lots and lots.

These horrid variables,

They're quite a fright.

Who cares if ten is squarable,

And why is area 'bxh'?

But when I see those ugly improper fractions,

My stomach does a flip;

I feel the need to take immediate action,

And something must be done, quick!

And those blasted properties,

I really loathe them, too.

I start to get all wobbly,

Then I don't know WHAT to do!!!

A Compilation of Poems and ThoughtsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang