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    "Doc, is she gonna be alrigh'?" Applejack yelled through the window, not that it did much. The doctor was trying to jump-start Twilight heart again. Unlike most other races of ponies, the medical needs for alicorns weren't explored on thoroughly. After all, alicorns were seemingly all powerful and invincible.

    The doctors were handling the case like the would a pegasus's but at the same time had to avoid the magical reservoir located near the heart and the magical veins throughout her being. They had already extracted tiny fragments of her rib bones from her heart and reservoir and stitched her back up, but that meant that her heart had been exposed to pure, unadulterated magic that had been given no direction or instruction. They had to inject her with something given to unicorns if a similar case happened, but alicorn magic is stronger than unicorn magic, and Twilight already had strong magic before she had become a princess. There was really nothing they could do, but that didn't mean they didn't try.

    "Fight it, Princess." The doctor muttered under his breath as he tried to jump-start it again. He was not about to let her die on him. She had saved his wife and son and now it was time to repay the favor whether or not science said it would work. He would send himself to Tartarus if he wasn't able to save the mare who'd saved Equestria countless times over. But Twilight had to use her own will power to fight this death and her own magic. He tried, again and again, and again, to shock the heart into beating again. "She's an alicorn she has to pull through," he said, attempting to convince himself. Then the magic in the reservoir reacted to the electricity.

    The reservoir imploded as a violent force of magic swept through the room and shattered the window Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy were standing behind and sent the doctor flying into a wall. "I cou- couldn't save her." The doctor sank onto the floor with a broken heart that had a weight beyond anything he'd ever carried. "I- I ki- killed her." He looked at the hospital bed to see Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, physically healed, as though there had never been an incident, but the heart monitor and all the other equipment read no signs of life. She was dead. There was no doubt. His eyes became unfocused and lifeless.

    "NO!!!" Spike yelled hot burning tears were flowing down his cheeks, his scales made them slide only faster. Pinkie fell to the ground, her already flat hair was a rats-nest filled with longing to do the truly impossible deed. Filled with despair, hurt, a hate towards nature, and tears. Her heart was filled with burning with rage, her life felt wrong with one less friend to share it with it. The seemingly endless love and friendship in her heart was burning out.

    "Yall just go on an' cry now." Applejack said, comforting her friend, trying to be strong, but didn't put up a brave front. Now wasn't the time for that. Now was the time to give her friends the love they deserved. All six of them. She turned to face the others, and each one could see the tears in each other's eyes. "T'is just ain't gonna be the same no more." Applejack said, teardrops falling into Pinkie Pies matted mane. "Nothin' is"

    Fluttershy stood in a puddle of her own tears. Rarity had given up on using her small hanky and now had streams running down her cheeks. Applejack's tears were formimg small creeks that traveled down her face, forming little, stained cracks on her face. "We're suppose to die before Twilight!" Rainbow screamed out of nowhere and darted off, her own tears trailing behind her rather than a rainbow streak. Pinkie Pie though took it the hardest, a loss of one of her closest friends to her was more than years of torment and pain on her.

    She was dead. Nothing more was needed to be told. Her life was over there was nothing to bring her back. The girls all spoke to Twilight's husk and told it how much they'd miss her. Everything was a bit broken though. Rarity abashed Twilight about being so serious about the simplest things yet leaving them before they could finish their most important job, the adventure of life. She thanked her for the memories they all shared and silly things they did together, even if Rarity was a bit hesitant at times. Fluttershy thanked her for all the times Twilight had stood by her side and encouraged her in all the right ways and was willing to listen to what she said, even though she was really quiet at times. Pinkie stood in front of Twilight for a bit of time before actually speaking her thoughts. She said that she was sad, angry and upset because Twilight died. But then she said she wouldn't remember that, she would remember the good times, the parties and all the good times the most. But she wanted, just this once, Twilight's permission to cry over her, and what she was feeling now. Applejack stayed silent for the most part but went on about how she couldn't describe the feeling in her heart was a bitter sorrow, and she wouldn't forget it, but she wouldn't hold onto it. Instead, she would use it to prove that friendships do not end with death or time. They're the only endless thing in life.

    Spike, however, tried to talk to Twilight, but couldn't. Every time he'd stop crying and opened his mouth to speak, he'd be choked on his own sobs again. Instead, he grabbed her hoof and held it, promising to himself not to let go till she lost all of her warmth.

    Galloping hooves echoed in the halls till they had finally reached their destination. Twilight's room. It was Rainbow Dash and with her was Zecora, "It seems Twilight Sparkle did not survive, though there is a way to revive."

    "What!?" Applejack asked with a kindling hope.

    "There is nothing behind her eye, but Applejack do not cry.

Twilight dies

A legend lays before your eyes.

A battle takes place

There, time's a race

Not only there

You too will have burdens to bear.

    This is not to be taken lightly, it was not caused by the tree, only slightly." Zecora said finishing her tale.

    "But where do we have to go?" Applejack said a bit too firmly.

"My hut in Everfree, but be wary if every tree." Pinkie could sense Zecora's smile, even if Zecora didn't display it.

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