The party

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Here chapter 6! finally time to party!


We all jumped out of the car excitedly. We walked up the stairs hearing loud teens and music.

"This is crazy!!" Bella screamed running up the stairs faster than the rest of us.

We got to the top and knocked waiting for someone to answer the door. Finally some random guy opened the door and let us in.

When we walked in I smelt food and sweets. I walked in a little more and my friends followed me. I noticed Josh and the other boys over on the couch.

"There they are." I said smiling and pointing to them.

"Yes Jakes here. He's so hot." Bella said grinning

We walked over to them.

"Hey guys!" I said as they all looked up at us, giving that look.

"Hey Brennly!" Josh said scanning my body. "wow you look completely beautiful.." he said blushing

"Aw thanks Josh!" I smirked "oh here I almost forgot!" I handed him a wrapped box. "happy birthday." I smiled and watched him open it.

As he opened it he smiled. I got him a $100 gift card to zumies. It seems like a lot but I have plenty of money to waste.

"Oh my gosh Brennly you didn't need to get me this! Let alone anything!" he said with a concerned face.

"Oh course I needed to get you something! plus I have plenty of money to waste." I ussured him

I looked over and already saw Bella and Jake flirting. Abby and Braden where talking and there was another boy their with short black hair, tall and tan. He was cute.

"Dreww!!" Tracy yelled running toward him hugging.

"Best friend!" he yelled back hugging her tightly.

I knew Tracy has told me about him before but I never asked to much about him. I was pretty sure she liked him. They sat and talked and did their own thing.

Josh grabbed my hand and led me to the couch to sit. "come sit down." he smiled.

We sat and talked while drew and Tracy just sat their laughing and talking. Abby and Braden where awkwardly talking and Jake and Bella where flirting.

"I'm glad you came." Josh sat scooting me closer by the minute. Before you knew it I was on his lap laying down on his chest and we just sat and talked.

"So how's your birthday so far? There's a lot of people here!" I said looking straight at him

"Much better now that your here. I love hanging out with you." he smiled "and I know it's kinda stressful having so many people but what's a party with out crazy people?"

I laughed at him and agreed

People started to notice me cuddling up on josh. They kept coming up and asking us if we were dating. It was kinda embarrassing but I awkwardly replied with a no.

About and hour had passed and we all were talking and laughing getting to know each other well. Abby and Braden where more comfortable with each other by now.

That's when Jake grabbed Bella's hand and went upstairs.

"Where are they going?" I asked Josh

"Who knows.." he said looking me in the eyes. "Wanna go down stairs and bowl?" he asked sitting up.

"Sure!" I said standing. Braden and Abby stood up as well as Tracy and drew. We all followed Josh down the stairs.

"Holy crap this is cool!" Tracy said running in.

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