3: "You're an asshole."

Start from the beginning

I march over to him, ready to make the biggest scene of my life.

"Are you really that petty and stupid?!" I yell, waving my hands all over the face.

He can mess with me, and he can make fun of me as much as he wants, but everything stops when it comes to my brother.

"Calm down, Jesus Christ." He says, looking around to see that I've already caused a crowd forming.

"I will not calm down! You didn't pick my brother for the team because you have a problem with me, not with him."

He snorts, but we both know I'm right, judging by his face.

"So what if I did? Him playing would mean you have to come along as well."

"I'm a fucking cheerleader!" I scream, getting closer and closer to actually slapping the shit out of him.

"Jed, please keep your girlfriend in check. She's embarrassing." Niall says, looking over my shoulder, and that's it.

My hand swings back, before it collides with his face making a loud sound that echoes through the silence.

"You little bitch!" he says, but then our principal, Mr. Brooks, steps between us.

"Mr. Horan and Ms. Parker! What seems to be the problem?"

"She fuckin' slapped me!" Niall says, making our principal frown because of his language.

"Yeah! Because he didn't choose my brother to play on the team due to personal problems!"

"Alright. I'll talk to the football coach. Meanwhile, you both have detention after school for the rest of the week."

And then I lose it completely.


"I'm going to kill myself." I say at the end of last period, when I'm with Jed at my locker.

"You're not going to do that. It's two days, Rey. You'll be fine."

I sigh. "Well, if this means Jase can play on the team, then I'm going to try." I roll my eyes, and he pulls me closer. "Can you drive Jake, Sophia, and Jason home though? Because if I'm late to detention the teacher will flip and I'm not in the mood to argue with anybody right now."

"Of course I can babe. Just make sure you and Niall don't argue please. I don't like you getting angry."

I nod, trying not to say anything about the situation. It's way too tiring by now, and I am not in the mood.

So I watch Jed as he walks away, before I look down at my detention slip, and sigh when I see it's on the third floor. Why can't my school have an elevator? It would be so much easier...

I find room 58 on the third floor, and enter without even bothering to knock.

There are five people in the room; a girl dressed in the black in the back right corner, a guy I know is in drama club but always causes trouble because he's way too loud in classes, another guy who sells weed to Zayn and Jed, and of course, Niall Horan. Mr. Grey is sitting at the teacher's desk, and he doesn't even bother to look up at me as an acknowledgement.

I pick the furthest seat away from him on the other side of the room, and sit down, placing my bag on the desk.

The room is awfully silent, so I pull my phone out, but that's when Mr. Grey finally decides to speak up.

"Ms. Parker please come here and put your phone in the basket. You can have it back at five."

I roll my eyes and stand up to walk over to him.

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