Chapter 17:rewrite

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8 months later Zamira and Zamiya are still famous.
Sabrina POV
I was waiting for my name to be called, when I got a text message from Shawn
(Shawn Sabrina )
What are you doing
At the doctors,to find out the gener
Yeah,I will send you some photos
I gtg,Bye love you
Love you,too
I love you more
Doctor yde: hey,Sabrina. How are you feeling?
Me: I am feeling great.
Doctor yde:that's great.
Few minutes later
Doctor yde: are you ready to know the gener of your babies
Doctor yde: yes,you are having twins girl,they are due in 2 weeks around 10 (august) yde
Me:well do I have to write the babies father name or what
Yde:if you don't we would have to ran a D.N.A test
Me:or if I write his name but don't ran D.N.A test,please.
Yde:Ok, I will do that
Skip time
I was singing along to one of Shawn's songs,then I felt a two little kicks. I got to call Shawn
Shawn POV
I was in Brooklyn NY. I was about to go on the TODAY show. Then my phone ringing
Shawn, I have something to tell you
What is it
So,I felt the twins kicking
Twins? Boys or girls
I wish I was there
I know
(It was to go on)
I got to go,love you
Love you,too
(Watch the video!!!)

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