Part 5 - Bridging Gaps

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The next day, Grace left very early for college. Juliet saw her leave early, and decided today was the day to follow her sister and find out the truth. She quickly bid her parents bye and followed Grace. To her utter surprise, not only did Grace go to college itself, but also went and sat next to her two friends, on a bench, in the college lawn. Juliet was mighty disappointed because she really felt Grace was into something untoward and she would finally get a chance to put her down in front of her parents. But after seeing Grace with Avanti and Ridaa, she finally felt hopeless. She went away from there, cursing her sister, for being so boring. 

Avanti and Ridaa were very happy that Grace had chosen to come and sit with them after a long time. They smiled warmly. Grace smiled at first. After just a few seconds, she broke into tears. Seeing her distressed, both Avanti and Ridaa got very concerned, and started consoling Grace. 

"Grace, are you okay? What happened? Why are you crying?" were their questions. Grace sobbed even more and then said, "Avi, Ridz, I am sorry. I mistook you girls. You only intended to save me from that pervert and I mistook it as jealousy. I am ... I am just so sorry! Will you both be able to forgive me and take me back with you?"

Avanti and Ridaa exchanged glances, quite confused about what Grace said. Avanti said, "Grace, you have always been our friend, right from our childhood. A small disagreement cannot change that. Yes, we did both not like that Steve man, but we really did not unfriend you for that. If he kept you happy, we accepted that he is your priority! But now that you are calling him pervert, what happened? Did he try to hurt you in any way? Tell me now, and trust me I will go punch him!" Avanti was fuming. Grace shook her head. "No, you can't!" 

Ridaa said, "What is it, tell us, please!"

Grace spoke about everything that had happened between her and Steve in the last few days. When she spoke of the previous evening, she was totally helpless and crying badly. Avanti and Ridaa were visibly upset and angry. Ridaa was quite soft-hearted, but Avanti was a little hot-headed. "What the hell? I am going to kick that bastard where it hurts the most. Just come with me, now! Let me teach him a lesson..!" 

Grace again shook her head. "You can't, Avi... You can't do anything to him!" Avanti asked loudly, "Why not? Are you still in love with the loser, and won't allow me?"

"No, no, no! I do not love him. But he flew back to his country! Last night. In fact, he had called to say just that. He had been hurrying up on this because he had wanted to use me and abuse me before he leaves here. I was just another victim, in his own words. While most fell for his trap, I did not. My luck. That is what he said too. And told me to be careful, because my luck will not always save me!" Grace cried some more. 

"Oh my God! You mean, all of this was pre-planned??" Ridaa asked, astonished. 

Grace nodded. "Much to my own surprise...Yes! He even tried approaching Julie, but she has seen many like him I am sure...She was alert. I fell for it. Dumb, I know. But I deserve this lesson. God saved me. But now, I have decided.. I am not going to ever fall in love. I just don't think I am meant for it." 

Avanti said, "Shut up. One bad incident, it was. Your man will come for you, too. Just wait and watch..." She smiled. 

Grace shook her head, "No.. Never again. I will never trust a man again." 

Ridaa said, "Come on, Grace... What age are you? Only 16! You have a long way before you restrict yourself. Just chill, ya!" 

Grace decided she will think about it later, when time comes. For now, the three friends hugged each other, and smiled. Grace felt like she had been united with her sisters. Soul-sisters. They attended classes, but Grace was upset, and was lost in her thoughts, every now and then. After class, Avanti said, "How about coffee? There's this new Espresso parlor near my house. Let's go there, today. What say?"

Ridaa agreed easily, but Grace said, "No.. I don't feel like it. I want to go home." 

Avanti was aware Grace was just avoiding it because she still felt guilty. "You forgot us all these days. We never complained. But now, now we are not going to let you ditch us again. Right, Ridz?" Ridaa smiled and nodded. 

Grace smiled, and agreed to go. "Alright... Let us go. I will just call mom, and inform her." She called her mom, and told her she was going out with her friends. 

At the Espresso parlor, called "Temptations", they also had a pastry corner, and Hookah-joint. Lot of youngsters came there and smoked hookah, as well as their regular cigarettes. 

Grace and her friends went there but did not like the crowd and also the smoke. They got in, ordered their coffees, and asked for take-away, so that they could sip on it, walking in the garden nearby. Just as they were heading out, Avanti's eyes feel on Juliet. She had a cigarette in a hand, and was sitting next to three boys, at the adjoining hookah joint. She stared, and immediately nudged Grace to look. Grace followed Avanti's eyes, and was shell-shocked. "Julie!" she whispered. While her friends stood there, motionless, Grace walked up to a visibly lost Juliet, and said, "Julie... what is this?" 

Upon hearing Grace's voice, Juliet immediately got up. "Err, umm, well, Grace... This .. What you are seeing isn't the truth.. I mean, I am just... My friends were...well, smoking.. And asked me to try. I just tried... I, I .. I am not a ... what can I say?" Juliet was fumbling. 

"Julie, they asked you to try and you tried? Really? That simple? Look at my friends... They saw this atmosphere, and we immediately moved out. See..." She showed her take-away glass of coffee. "We are disgusted with this place. And look at you.. Enjoying! I can see, you are relishing this dirty stub!" Grace pointed at the cigarette. 

Juliet had recovered from the initial shock, and immediately snapped, "Grace.. Stop mothering me! Life is too short for regrets. I wanted to try this, that's all. It's not like I am addicted!" She rolled her eyes, dramatically. While Juliet had lied, because she was in fact, addicted, Grace suddenly felt, may be her sister was not addicted, after all. 

"I know, Julie, you aren't addicted. But it hardly takes time. And you wanted to try this?"said Grace, stressing on 'this', as if to point out a flaw in it. 

"Grace! I really think, you should stop your holier-than-thou lecture, right now. Go have your coffee, before it turns cold. I'll take care of myself. Thank you." Juliet went and sat back with her boy-friends. 

Grace walked back to her friends, feeling miserable, and looked down, as if to mean she could not meet their eyes. 

After walking a short distance, Avanti said, "Grace, are you going to tell your mum or dad about it?" Grace looked up, and just looked away. "I don't know! What should I do?" she asked, in return. Ridaa said, "Don't, Grace! Give her a chance." 

Avanti said, "Your sis is notorious, I would not give her a chance. Ridz, you are a saint. But Juliet is not. I think, Grace, you should take your parents into confidence and..." 

"No, no. I think Ridaa is right. I should give this a miss, for now. I don't want to make my relationship with Julie, bitter!" Grace said. Avanti shrugged, as if to say, "Your wish!" The three girls went to the garden nearby, and sipped their coffees, and spoke general stuff. 

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