Chapter I

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Outer space of the Hoth system, 3 ABY

Luke Skywalker considered carefully what he was about to do. He had faith it was the right thing to do; Obi-Wan had told him to, so what could possibly go wrong?

But could it have been a hallucination? A figment of a traumatized mind?

No, Luke assured himself, it was a vision. It was Ben.

But no less, how could he know the path he was going on would be one he would return from? What if he disappeared into the far reaches of the galaxy during the most critical time of the Rebellion?

Luke bit his lip thoughtfully, and remembered an old adage of his uncle, Owen; Better slow and safe than quick and killed. He reasoned that before going to Dagobah, he'd check in with Alliance command. It could take a while to get clearance to Dagobah, but Luke was sure he could present a good case.

Artoo beeped and buzzed inquisitively; Luke had been silent for some time.

"No need to worry Artoo," Luke assured his mechanical companion. "We're heading to Haven Rendezvous. It'd be smart to check in before going to find Yoda."

Artoo gave a whistle of not-so-subtle relief, causing Luke to grin. He keyed in the coordinates, and sat back as the pinpricks of distant stars elongated into beams of light, then the tunnel of hyperspace.

As the hours passed, Luke read through the Journal of Ben Kenobi, an actual written-and-bound book he had found on Tatooine three years ago. It offered him insight into the teachings and life of a Jedi during and after the age of the Old Republic, so Luke thought it might help to try and locate any mentions of Yoda.

Nothing turned up. Luke was rather miffed; if Ben had spoken of him so highly on Hoth during the vision, he ought to at least be mentioned by name! Exasperated, Luke closed the book and tucked it in his safebox, sighing loudly. Artoo beeped, alerting Luke that they were at the rendezvous.

The lines of light shortened into stars, then the black void of space encapsulated Luke's cockpit. Haven Rendezvous was actually beyond the Galactic Rim, accessible only to smaller ships like the Rebels', not Star Destroyers.

Luke's comm buzzed, undoubtedly a deck officer. He was surprised instead to hear Wedge's voice; "Luke! What the hell are you doing here? You said you were off to Dagobah, or wherever the heck you were planning to go."

"Figured it was safer to check in with the fleet," Luke responded. "Never know what could be out there."

Wedge grunted in agreement. "Get to the Salvation then. You can talk with Commander Rieekan, but I don't think your hopes of getting to Dagobah should be too high. Lots of our people got stranded on Hoth during the evacuation, and some transports have gone missing. If you're not leaving, we'll need all hands on deck."

"Understood," Luke replied, and guided his X-wing to the Nebulon-B transport to land.

Once landed, he descended from his cockpit and saw that the ship was a flurry of motion within; wounded soldiers, some still in their gear from Hoth, were being transported hither and thither, whilst Rebellion pilots opposite him were taking off. No one paid him much notice as he worked his way to the Command Center, where Rieekan and other commanding officers were discussing strategies and contingencies with secretaries and each other. Luke patiently awaited to be addressed, holding his pilot helmet at his side, Artoo standing silent beside him.

After some time, Rieekan finally turned his attention to Luke. "What do you need, Commander Skywalker?" he asked.

"Clearance to go to Dagobah, sir," Luke stated.

Rieekan arched his eyebrows skeptically. "The swamp planet? Is there something important there?"

"Someone, sir," Luke replied tentatively. "I have reason to believe Jedi Master Yoda is there."

Silence fell throughout the room immediately, and all eyes turned to Luke.

Rieekan balked; "You know where the Master Yoda is?"

Luke coughed, becoming somewhat uncomfortable with the sudden attention turned to him.

"I think I know sir; the instructions only came to me in a vision..."

Some more cynical minds began to tune out, turning back to their original business, but then a man in a pure white uniform stood. The front of his uniform bore a jet black Rebel starbird. His black hair was a neat, military buzz cut, and his brown eyes were now riven at the mention of Yoda's name, for a plan was formulating in the back of his head that he hadn't considered before.

Starkiller arose and addressed Luke. "Please, Commander Skywalker. Do elaborate on this vision of yours. I've heard and done much less believable things. Tell away."

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