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When I got to my room I hurry up and  tried to shut the door but Jacob was in the way then he just got in and looked at me

C: get out
J: nope
C: please just get out
J: nope
C: come on get out
J: nope
C: why don't you want to get out

He just looked at me and then out of no wear he just slap me and then kick me and punch me in the gut then he just ran down stairs I started to cry I was just laying there crying and thinking to my self why would he do that to me so I got up and close the door and lock it for now on am going to stay in my room I open da window and I went to my tree house and Jacob knows where it is but I hope he doesn't remember but I look out the window and I see him walking over here to the tree house he came in and said

J: am sorry I didn't mean to do that to you its just that I was angry and I wanted to beat someone
C: it's fine I getting it happens to me alot
J:ya I know I saw you at school punching your locker
C: what how
J: my locker is right next to yours
C: oh Ya

Then after I said that Jacob came and sat so close to me I scooted away a little so I can have some space he came over and started to sit on me so I won't move

C: get off of me
J: then stop moving
C: ok fine

He got off of me and sat so close to me u look at him and then he looked at me and he started to kiss me I kissed back and it started to get heated he move me to go on his lap and then he stopped and made me lay down and he got on me he started rolling his body on me I told him to stop so he did and but he did not get off of me

C: get off of me
J: ok but did that feel good
C: sure I nodded my head

He just gave me a smirk we went back home and I un locked my door and went down stairs mark was sleeping so Jacob put his arms around my waist I turned over and he picked me up and put me against the wall and started to kiss me so I pulled away

C: I did not come down here to let you kiss me I came down here for my junk food
J: wow

I just laughed and got some food

jacob sartorius is my twin brother best friend Where stories live. Discover now