~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~

You're sitting rather moodily at the bar, twisting the neck of the bottle in front of you. You'd stolen a few credit cards, so you're splurging a bit, enjoying the fact you can make a tab, just hand the man the card, and then make a break for it.
"Don't look so sad, it doesn't suit you."
You roll your eyes at the man beside you, giving him a half smile.
You don't know him, you think he's told you his name but you're not sure, but he's filling you with compliments and buying your drinks.
But there's something off about him, you just can't place it. You lean back on the stool, gazing at him, studying him.
He's very pale, his black hair looking like someone had poured ink on it as it falls perfectly around his face. He had stubble on his jaw, just enough to show he hasn't shaved for the day, but he makes it work. His eyes are dark, and if you weren't half drunk you'd swear they were soulless.
Still, it's nice to be complimented, to be able to relax a little bit. You'd been running for so long you'd almost forgotten what it was like.
"Why don't we go upstairs?" Angelo murmurs in your ear, brushing your deep red locks away from your throat. "Get to know each other a little better, hmm?"
His voice is so soft, so alluring, you find yourself nodding, agreeing. He smiles lightly at you, taking your arm, guiding you away from the bar and towards the stairs.
You never stay drunk for long, your magic burns right through it, so by the time you're upstairs you're already close to being sober again.
You step into Angelos room, casting your eyes around. It's very nice, one of the expensive ones, the room nice and open with a large white bed in the center. You can see the curtains hiding the balcony doors, and you don't turn as you hear him step up behind you, his hands slipping around your waist.
You shouldn't be doing this.
He's brushing at your hair again, pulling it all over one shoulder as he pulls you back against him, nuzzling your neck.
Angelo loves the way you smell, all witches seem to have that extra spice in their blood. You look young, inexperienced, so he doubts you know what he is, and he has no intentions of telling you.
"You're so lovely," he murmurs, pressing soft kisses against your shoulder as his hands slip beneath your shirt, slowly drawing up your stomach. You shiver as the cool air greets your skin, and your hands close over his, stopping them before they reach your breasts.
You shouldn't be doing this.
Angelo frowns as you stop him, he doesn't like to be told no.
So he doesn't give you the chance too.
His lips close around your neck, and you're suddenly gasping in pain, jerking as his teeth sink into your skin.
"What the shit!?" You shriek, feeling him break skin. You wrench away from him furiously, whirling around to face him. "Ow, you motherfucker!"
Your hand closes over the throbbing mark, and you glare at him.
Angelo grins, feeling his senses ignite as he tastes your blood. He inhales, his skin tingling as just a sliver of your magic runs through his bones.
He loves bedding witches.
They sell for a high price too.
You would be a quick seller with that deep red hair of yours, and Angelo is sure he can get double the normal price for you too.
But he wants to try you out first, like he does with all the pretty merchandise.
"I'm sorry," he coos, walking towards you. "Did that hurt?"
You glare at him, taking a step back, finding the bed greeting the back of your legs.
Yes it fucking hurt!
"Everyone likes a little pain now and then," Angelo murmurs, his hands on you again, pulling your body flush with his. Your eyes are already dilating, not even witches are immune to a demons venom, and Angelo just knows he's going to have fun with you.
He chuckles as he gazes down at you; you really are lovely, all rosy cheeks and bright eyes, skin smooth and blemish free.
His hand curves beneath your chin as he inspects you, his lips soon trailing the line of your jaw as he feels your body tremble.
Yes, his venom is in your bloodstream now, you won't tell him no.
He likes it better when they obey.
His lips close over yours, his tongue eagerly dominating, hands beneath your shirt again, drawing it up your waist and soon over your head.
You kiss him back wantonly, threading your fingers through his hair, arching up against him.
He chuckles, pulling his lips from yours, his hands doing away with your bra.
What a nice chest you have.
He pushes, and you flail a little as you fall back onto the bed without warning, huffing. His lips twitch, and he's already shedding his own clothes.
Your eyes trace over the ink on his skin, the markings intricate and black. You sit up as you watch him shamelessly undress, following the trail of hair on his stomach.
You know you shouldn't sleep with him, that you shouldn't be shirking out of your jeans and panties when he tells you too, or letting him crawl on top of you and take your breast in his mouth.
You most definitely shouldn't be enjoying the way his teeth tug on your nipple, the way his nails are scraping down your skin and leaving red lines in their wake.
But you do.
Fuck, it's turning you on.
Angelo runs his tongue along your full breast, flicking your nipple until you're shifting. You're growing aroused, he can smell it, and it's very pleasing.
What a good little witch you are.
He lets his lips trail lower, his tongue dipping into your navel, hands gliding up and down your body, closing over one breast and squeezing until you whimper.
Angelo kisses lower and lower, wanting to taste you, feel your heat against his lips before he fucks your tight cunt until you're crying for him to stop.
He likes it when they beg.
Your legs jerk as he settles between them, his hands forcing your thighs wide as he runs his tongue through your wet folds.
You gasp, your fingers clenching in the sheets, eyes squeezing shut; no one has ever eat you out before, you'd always been too embarrassed for that.
But you hadnt been able to speak to tell him no, it's like your voice is caught in your throat.
Mmm, you taste wonderful.
Angelo let's his tongue circle your clit before he starts suckling, releasing one thigh so his fingers can force their way inside of you; good, you're not a virgin.
Your thighs attempt to clench as his fingers torture you, soaking themselves in your juices as he lavishes your most intimate parts with attention.
You're already trembling, the feel of his tongue against you is almost too much, and it's all you can do not to cry out when it's inside of you again.
You moan, your hips squirming against his lips, your juices spilling out onto his waiting tongue. Your body is hot, tingling, the knot in your stomach is steadily getting worse until you feel like you're going to explode.
It's never felt so good!
You finally cum with a cry, your back arching off the bed, his nails digging into your skin to hold you still.
Your taste floods his senses, his entire body growing warm, his own eyes dilating as your magic flows through him.
He loves witches.
You collapse back into the bed, gasping, your eyes fluttering. Angelo licks his lips hungrily as he crawls up your body.
You're exquisite.
But he needs you to hurt.
His hands close around your wrists, and your eyes open as they're pinned against the bed. His lips are on yours again, making you taste yourself on his tongue.
You pull against his grip, but it merely tightens, painful as he holds you down. You can feel his cock against your thigh, hard and pressing into you as he dominates the kiss.
"I'm going to fuck you," he breathes against your lips, "until you're crying for me to stop, until your cunt is so sore and your legs so weak you can't move in the morning."
His words make you squirm as you flush, finding they sent a spiral of heat right between your legs. He smirks down at you, his eyes running over the body laid out beneath him.
You shift, blushing under his scrutiny, his eyes finding yours again.
He pulls your wrists above your head into one hand, his other now pulling your thigh up against his waist, lips on your neck again, nipping and marking, making you gasp at the sharp stings.
You jerk, pulling against at your wrists, making him press harder until you can barely feel your fingers. His lips capture yours, forcing you to kiss him as his cock pushes at your entrance.
Your legs widen of their own accord, your body craving his, practically begging to be taken.
"Tell me what you want from me, Red," Angelos teeth pull on your ear. "Beg me."
"Fuck me, please," the words spill from your lips as you shift your hips, trying to entice him. "Please, I need you."
"You're going to have to do better then that," he clucks, leaning down to kiss your chest, his tongue circling your nipple again.
Your teeth dig into your lower lip painfully, the heat between your legs throbbing, needing appeasement. You feel so hot, you can barely stay still despite his grip, and you finally give a frustrated whimper as he merely continues to torment you, waiting for you to speak.
"I need your cock inside of me," you finally moan, overcoming your shyness. "I want you to fuck me until I'm screaming and I can't walk! Please, please fuck me, I can't take it!"
A little better.
Angelo smirks down at you, at your red hair spilling across the white sheets, at the black marks forming on your skin and he's barely even touched you.
His fingers trail down your stomach, tracing circles against your trembling skin before pressing flat.
You give a surprised gasp as he suddenly pushes inside of you, thicker then what you'd expected. Your body immediately tries to buck, but his grip on you is firm, holding you down, his lips on yours again as he begins to move inside of you.
You groan, your body reacting to him immediately, lips hungry against his own.
You're tight, it feels like you haven't had sex in a while, but you're so wet it makes his intrusion easier. Your legs wind around his waist, urging him to be rougher.
Fine with him.
He thrusts a little harder, holding you down, his hand flat against your chest as he rams his hips deeper into yours, quirking a brow as you enjoy it.
Ah, he likes the kinky ones.
They generally tend to last longer in bed, too.
"Look at you, Red," he whispers in your ear, grinding into you and creating the loveliest friction, "you like it a little rough, don't you?"
"Yes," you groan, tugging at your wrists, wanting to touch him, pull him deeper, and he relents, letting go.
Your arms wrap around him, nails digging deep into his shoulder blades, enjoying his heavy thrusts.
You murmur in his ear, begging him to go harder, faster --- ravage you.
Angelo feels his blood quicken at your soft little suggestions, his eyes flicking to your face.
"As the lady wishes," he whispers, and you gasp as he pulls out of you, abruptly rolling you onto your stomach.
You don't have a moment to adjust before he's grabbing your arms, twisting them tightly behind your back and pushing inside your heat again, making you groan, liking the new position much better.
Angelo grins, fingers tangling in your hair as he wrenches your head back, fucking you so hard the bed is shifting, your toes curling in pleasure.
"You and I could have so much fun," he groans in your ear, his hand curling around your throat and holding you back against him, causing him to thrust up into you until you're crying out. "Oh the fucked up shit I could do to this precious little body."
His grip tightens around your throat, and your blood rushes quicker, feeling the pressure abruptly painful, cutting off your gasp as Angelo really starts to pound into you. For a few moments, you feel like you're floating, but the clarity of which you can feel him inside of you, the rumble of his chest as he feels your muscles tighten around him --- it's starting to be too much.
You inhale sharply as the grip on your throat lessens, just before you think you're going to pass out. You cough a few seconds, your throat raw as you splutter, gasping for air to fill your burning lungs.
"Someone likes it," Angelo says in your ear with a low chuckle. "Your cunt is so fucking wet."
His arm snakes around your waist, trapping your arms between your back and his chest, his cock relentless, hitting every nerve ending you have. his lips are on you neck as he palms your breast, kneading and molding it into his grasp, pinching your nipple.
You've never enjoyed sex like this before, never had a mere one night stand be so rough and you love it like you do.
There's so much pleasure assaulting your body, you can't think anymore --- white hot and painful, it coils in your stomach, rippling through the rest of your body as you start to shake, on the verge of cumming and unable to stop yourself.
"I'm gonna cum!" You moan, only vaguely able to hear the bed rocking against the floor. All you can focus on is how his cock is filling you, how deeply and powerfully he thrusts into you, how controlling his every move is.
"Cum then," he murmurs, nipping at your bruised neck. "Cum with my cock inside of you."
It's like his words flick a switch, and you cum on cue, your hips ramming back into his as you crumple forward, hearing him grunt as his hands close around your hips.
The hoarse cry you give sets Angelos blood on fire, and he only manages a few more rough thrusts through your clenching muscles before the pulsing in his shaft proves to be too much and he's cumming.
His head tilts back as he groans, spending himself inside of you, filling you with his warm seed as you lay there panting in front of him, your arms limp as your sides, chest heaving.
Angelo gives it a moment, needing one himself, before he slowly pulls out of you, your ass still in the air. His lips curve in satisfaction as he sees his seed seep out of you; his scent will linger on you for quite a while.
"Can you move?" He asks after a moment, and you crack open one eye, nodding.
You don't want too, but you think you can. You shuffle, finally managing to sit in the middle of the bed, grimacing at the pain the movement causes.
Angelo flexes his hands, feeling warm all over, his eyes on you.
Your blood red hair is spilling down your chest, obscuring your breasts from his view, but you're already bruising around your neck and wrists, they're hurting you.
He feels warmer now, feeding on the pain you're feeling, liking the taste of it. Witches tend to feed better, in his experience, and you're like a feast.
He doesn't want to throw you out of his room just yet, he rather likes the spread before him.
You feel his nails trail up your thigh, and you look up, your eyes finding his as he kneels in front of you, taking your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
"The nights not over yet, Red," he murmurs, grinning slowly, the light glinting off his rather sharp looking teeth. "Lie back and spread your legs."

~~~~~ End Flashback~~~~~

"What do you want from me?" You ask Angelo warily, your cheeks burning at the suddenly vivid memories you're having of that one night with him.
Angelo grins.
He knew you wouldn't refuse!
Well, you sort of couldn't, not under the circumstances.
"I have a business. It's international, and unfortunately some of my.... product.... has been disappearing, but no one seems to know anything. You're going to find out who's doing it and where my product is."
You eye him, crossing your arms, your palm already healed from where your nails had dug into it.
It sounds too simple.
"What do I get in return?"
Did he not already tell you? Angelo hates repeating himself, and it's all he can do to reign in his impatience.
"In return, you get amnesty from those meddlesome Mikaelsons. You come to one of my estates, you stay there, none of them will bother you."
"Until you're through with me, then I'm on my own again, right?"
"In a manner of speaking."
"This doesn't sound very appealing for me," you scowl, but your mind is already working; you might be able to use this to your advantage though...
Angelo frowns at you, his hellhounds stepping to his side, their fur remarkably clean considering their recent meal.
You're sure they're supposed to intimidate you, but they don't. One drop of blood from you and you can tear them to pieces from the inside out.
"What sounds appealing to you then?" He snaps, crossing his arms.
You grin.
"Take me to your estate, and I'll find your missing shit. However, I have a few conditions of my own that's going to be addressed before anything is done. How does that sound?"
Angelo doesn't like it.
"Fine, then no deal," you lean casually against the wall, gazing at him cockily. "You want my help, you hear my conditions."
"I'm not going to like your conditions."
"Probably not. But do you have another witch willing to help?"
"The witch doesn't have to be willing," Angelo says softly, and you hear the underlying threat. "To give me their assistance."
"This one does," you respond, staring him down, not showing any fear. "You want my help, you accept my conditions, and we're in business. If not, you can, how you Italians say, vaffanculo."
Angelo can't help it, he grins.
He's not sure why, but instead of bitch slapping the attitude right out of you, he rather likes it. You're a formidable opponent to fight, he's heard, and he doesn't feel like testing his luck tonight.
"Fine." He finally says with a reluctant chuckle; he's in a good mood. "Come to my estate, and we'll work on your terms."
"It's not some musty, dank old castle is it?"
"I'll let you be surprised."

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