Amelia's 18th

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"Happy birthday!" James shouts as he enters my room.

I slowly open my eyes.

"Thanks." I say.

"You could sound more enthusiastic." James says.

"I've literally just woke up?" I say.

"Come on you need to get out of bed as dad and Sarah are waiting down stairs." James says.

"I will do. I'll be down in five minutes." I say.

James leaves and I check my phone. Hoping for a text from Reece but none.

Don't get upset. Not on your birthday.

I get out of bed and make my way downstairs.

"Quickly she's coming." I hear my mum say.

As soon as I walk in they start singing happy birthday.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! ...."

"Thank you." I say before blowing my candles out.

I wish that Reece and I weren't in this mess.

I open my presents from my mum and dad.

"This ones from me." James says handing me an envelop.

What could this be?

I start to open it and see that it's two tickets.

Is this what I think this is?

I pull the two tickets out to see they're Twenty One Pilot tickets.

"James! Thank you so much! You didn't have to do this!" I say getting up and giving James a hug.

"It's alright, anything for my little sis." James says.

"James do you want to come with me?" I ask.

"Only if your sure. I don't want to cramp your style." James laughs.

"You could never do that." I say.

"You can go and do what you like until 6. You need to be ready for then as the taxi is coming." Mum says.

"Yes yes ok mum." I say leaving the room.

I go into the kitchen and make my self some cereal. I sit down scrolling through my twitter feed liking as many birthday tweets as possible.

One I finish I go up to my room. I pull my phone out and text Sophie.

"Do you want to come and and get your hair and make up done with me?"

Within five minutes I get a reply.

"Not really but seeing it's your birthday I will do. Pick me up at 1?"

I laugh at what she wrote before replying back.

"Haha. Sure"

A few hours later

"So what are you having done to your hair?" Sophie asks.

"I'm jut going to get it curled. What about you?" I ask.

"I think I'm going to get the same." Sophie says.

"Who is going to get their make up done first?" The beautician asks us.

"You can go first Soph." I say.

Within minutes I get called to get my hair done.

Once my hair and Sophie's make up is done I go get my make up done and Sophie gets her hair done.

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