"No wonder Narina's so pretty." Sora muttered as the group walked over to Mitsune. 

"Welcome." said Mitsunei, bowing. "And thank you so much for helping us drive those androids off.. for now anyways.. Garac is off informing my father of your arrival. I believe you two have met.. his name is Draz.."

"THAT guy!?" Narina said. "Huh.. not sure what I feel about him to be honest.. he's your dad?"

"Yes." said Mitsune as the others began to follow her up the street. "He is one of our eldest warriors.. but not strongest.."

"Who holds the title of strongest?" asked Violet as she usually asked such things when presented with the possibility of a strong opponent. 

"That would be Esla.. most people feel it's her.. but she has a steadfast rivalry with Goriko." said Mitsune. "So far, the androids have avoided fighting those two because of their strength.."

Narina shivered. As always, she was swiftly brought back down to Earth whenever faced with the fact that she wasn't even close to being one of the strongest out there. Four Emperors had only ever been a title meant for the strongest in the Academy. Out here in the real world, Narina was about as strong as some of the other experienced heroes.. but nowhere near the class of the Four Titan Lords.  Other then that, the only thing adding to her fame was her good looks and what the public supposed was a winning personality.

"Oh right.." said Mitsune, pointing at Narina, who so far, had not changed out of Adamantium Queen Form. "You require new clothes yes?"

Narina looked at Mitsune's dark blue kimono. "What do you have? Cause right now.. it's kinda taking a bunch of energy keeping this form up.."

"Come with me and we'll see.." said Mitsune. "While I find Yukata-san some suitable clothing.. you all feel free to jump in any of the hotsprings.. and don't be shy.. nudity isn't much of a issue in our villages due to the nature of our lifestyle.. some even walk around nude.."

"GIRLS TOO!?" Stoor said, his eyes lighting up.

"PERVERT!!" Ezra roared, smacking Stoor on the back of his head. "I REFUSE TO BATHE IN THE SAME POOL AS THIS PERVERTED WEIRDO!"


"Hmm.. are those two repressed lovers?" Mitsune muttered. 

"NO FRIGGIN' WAY!!!" Both Stoor and Erza screamed, going red in the faces. "I HATE THAT IDIOT!!"

"If you two can't get along.. I'll be happy to.. Mingle.." Violet whispered, a set of shadowy tentacles draping themselves over Ezra and Stoor's shoulders, drawing them close.

"Meeep!!" the duo squealed as Violet chuckled demonically. 

"You have very odd friends." said Mitsune.

"Don't I know it.." said Narina as Mitsune led her off..

As the group separated, two figures landed on the top of one of the buildings..

One was a 9 year old boy wearing a military jacket, chewing bubblegum with a ski cap over his black hair.  He had two firearms at his side.

The other looked like a 14 year old girl with light green hair done into two looped twin tails, and thin framed glasses. She had on a pair of Beats Headphones (pretty old brand, but still here in the future.) Wore a black tan top that had words on it saying "I Love PK." (Player Killing). She wore a set of red cargo pants and black and white sneakers, and in her hands she held a portable game system with various other game systems holstered to clips on her belt.

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