"Hey, Melanie!" Jason chirped

"EEEEEP!" I shouted like a kid,

"Dood, you alright?" Ty asked,

"Urm, yeah. Just worried about Nicole and Adam,"

"Oh yeah! They're still not here!"

"Okay...?" I shrugged,

We suddenly heard the door creaked and we screamed.

"Mother of Ducks!!!" I shouted,

Someone at the door screamed as well.

"Nicole?" I asked,

"Dood!" She tackled me to the ground,


"U watchin horror?!"

"What about horror?"

"U know you can't sleep! If you watch horror!"


"I won't help you!"

"Of all the Ducks! Why?!"

"You need to get over that fear of yours!"

"Dang it! Ducks of mothers! Nicole! Please!"


"Why are you saying ducks so much Melanie?" Jason butted in our conversation,

"O ducks. Uh, eh, uhm... Habit?"

"Okay?" Jason shrugged,

Then everything went quiet, when we heard foot steps from above. The foot steps got louder and louder, I tensed up looking at the direction where the sounds were coming from. Soon we all saw a shadow, a shadow that looked likena monster. As it got closer and closer a form of a girls shadow was forming. We all realized it was just Kylie, all of us stared at eachother and suddenly bursted out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Kylie asked as she rubbed her sleepy eyes,

"Oh nothing!" Nicole giggled,

Nicole and I stood up as she playfully punched my arm.

"Melanie, I believe you have a phobia with Ducks or maybe something happened about Ducks and you. So, what happened?" Adam... Made a very sensible question or theory or somehing.

Everybody were staring at Adam like he was crazy.

"Don't look at me with you 'wtf' faces! I really don't say theory majigies."

"Yeah, guys. Adam does that once in a very long while." Ty coughed, fixed his shirt and put on his cool face

"Yeah guys. Now! Melanie, what did happen to ya?" Kylie asked,

"Well... It all started when I was 3. For a 3 year old kid, my mind was more mature than other 3 year old kids, I was really smart. Really smart that..." Melanie started off,

*Flashback Start*

"Mama look!" I said showing the robot duck I made for her.

"Honey, That's so adorable! Did you make it on your own?"Mama asked

"Yes mama! I made a controller too!" I showed her every part that I made, then something she saw made her face change to doubt.

As soon as I noticed it, I asked "Mama, what's wrong?"

She answered " N-Nothing, now, can I play it?"

"Ok." I simply answered but I still doubted her, Mama's lies was always obvious. Even though I doubted her, I still gave her the robot duck.

*Flashback Interrupted*

"Hey! What happens next!? You're too slow Melanie!" Adam piped, and everybody went 'SHHHH'!!

"Geez, fine!" Adam rolled his eyes playfully.

*Flashback Continues*

Dawn was coming and'--

*Flashback Interrupted Yet again!*

"Guys, *holds laughter* 'Dawn' *holds laughter* get it" Adam squeeked,

"ADAM!" Everybody shouted at Adam,

"Sorry, sorry! I promise I won't interrupt again!"

*Flashback Continues... Hopefully*

Dawn was coming and my sisters and I had to go to bed. Mama tucked us all in our beds, she closed the lights and left. I waited for my two sisters to be asleep and when they fell asleep, I followed Mama. I searched the house for Mama but there was no sign of Mama. Little did I know that we were left with a babysitter and Papa already took Mama to the hospital, because she was injured... Because of the robot duck...

*Flashback End*

"Melanie..." Kylie muttered as she clenched her fists,

"I'm sorry... Torture me if you want." I stayed the same as Nicole just cries,

"Mom... Died because of you!" She shouted and punched me which made me fall.


What have I done.... This is too much violence!

Destiny (Deadlox, TrueMU, Skydoesminecraft Fanfic) *ded*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن