
43 3 0

I feel the heart beat in my hands
how can you stand
me in your foreign lands
pumping faster
breathing slower
can't you go lower?
my screen is too bright
too light in the night
filled with quiet
cars pass by it
my house is full
silence can indulge me
for once in my life
oh wait

that's every night

there's a lump in my throat
for what?
I don't know
my nose is stuffy
my fingers tense
my eyelids burn
i'm on the fence
of what I should do
i'm calling you
but I don't want to wake
your sleeping form
I adorn myself
with powers in my dreams
it keeps me clean
keeps me asleep
but i'm awake
and so I wait
for my dreams
to take me back
to my place
that I call home

home is where they don't call you insane

no one calls me that
no one knows
please don't leave
stay some more
one more week
let's just sleep
stay with me
don't you see
that i'm for naught
without you here

oh dear
did I just find purpose?
did I just find worth?
no, that's just silly
is it really?
I rub my eye
to stay awake
but I want to sleep
and so I wait

my toes curl as I count
why am I still alive?
what is my destiny?
is it foreseen?
I like to think
that it is not known
no words in stones
I write my own
life as I go
so let me be
so I can write

writers block is a bitch.

nonsense verses// a collection of pretty words i wish had meaningWhere stories live. Discover now