The Mission

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Gwen is leaving New York City for 3 days and gets ready to pack up and go.

Peter: Gwen?, What are you doing?

Gwen: Getting ready to go to New Jersey.

Peter: Why are you going out of state?

Gwen: I need to get my mind of Prom in 2 weeks, I am going to pack up and go by myself to New Jersey.

Peter: Can i come with you?

Gwen: Well, Okay!

*Gwen leads Peter to her van and opens the door and lets him sit in the second seat with her while she sits in the front seat*

Gwen: Are you ready?

Peter: yes!

Gwen: Lets go!

*Gwen and Peter head off to New Jersey*

They pass by the ''You are now leaving New York sign*

Peter: What if somebody knows about us doing this?

Gwen: It's Winter break!

Peter: I better text Aunt May then.

*Peter texts Aunt May*

''Hey Aunt May,
I'm going to New Jersey with Gwen for 3 days so i will be back soon''

May sees the text then sends a text to him saying.

''Okay see you soon''

Peter: Okay she said see you soon.

Gwen: Good, I thought she was going to get mad at you for a minute.

Peter: Nah she wouldn't.

Gwen and Peter both drive through the entire Pennsylvania state, through Ohio, then 5 hours ahead from NJ but it's night time so Peter and Gwen park in an empty strip mall and make the van stop to rest for the night.

Peter: Wanna go in the backseat of the car to go sleep, because it's more comfy.

Gwen: Sure, smart thinking to because if we fall asleep in the front, the police will come.

*Peter and Gwen go in the back of the car*

*Gwen puts a throw blanket on both of them*

*Peter snatches Gwen in his arms and holds her tightly*

Gwen: It's nice to do this.

Peter: Gwen i felt like coming with you because i wanted you to be safe, and also because i am your Boyfriend and your Childhood friend, and most important... somebody who cared for you then and still care for you now.

Gwen: Awww that's so sweet, You're the best person ever!

*Gwen reaches for Peter's arm but he grabs her arm before she could do anything to him*

Gwen: Hey!

Peter: Hehe!

Gwen: Oh you are going down Spidey!

*Gwen shoves her face right into Peter's face*

Peter: Ouch!, Gwen don't hurt me!, You almost broke my nose!

Gwen: Oops!

*Peter grabs Gwen and stairs right into her eyes*

Gwen: I'm glad i bought you along Peter!

Peter: I just wanted to make sure you were safe.

*Peter stairs at Gwen without saying nothing but then kisses her very hard*

Peter's kiss was very deep causing both Peter and Gwen fall on the floor*

Peter: Ouch!

*Gwen giggles*

Peter: That wasn't funny!, I almost got hurt!

Gwen: Well it's a little funny.

Peter: Okay, i'll admit it!

Gwen: I actually am lucky to have you!

*Gwen pulls Peter over to her and holds him to make him feel safe*

Gwen: Don't worry Peter, I won't ever do anything to you.

*Gwen stops for a minute thinking about something*

Peter: What's wrong?

Gwen: Nothing. It's just.... I had another Boyfriend before you, and he left me.

Peter: Why? *Peter looks like he wants to know more information*

Gwen: Well... It's hard to explain it to someone else but since you and i are very close and knew each other for a long time.... i will tell you.

Peter: okay.

Okay so i finally made chapter 2! What do you think?

Also the song ''Search Party'' by Sam Bruno from the Paper Towns Movie is perfect for this chapter!

Please comment for part 3.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2016 ⏰

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