Chapter 8

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“No. Absolutely not. There is no way that Captain America is better than Thor. You’re out of your mind!” Kristen said a little too loudly. Julia shook her head furiously. “In a fight, Steve Rogers would completely kick Thor’s butt! He’s got the shield-” “And Thor’s got LIGHTNING!” Kristen interjected. Julia scoffed. “Yeah well-” Rocky quickly clamped his hand over his girlfriend’s mouth. “Ooookay ladies, I think that’s enough about the Avengers for tonight. Could we get the check please?” he called towards the waitress stand. Carly laughed as she looked back and forth between Kristen and Julia. Kristen had invited her to join them for their weekly ‘double date’ night. After the barbeque a few weeks before, Kristen and Riker had gone ahead and told Julia, and Ratliff’s girlfriend Kaeley, the whole story about Vegas. Including hers and Ross’s drunken wedding. They spent so much time over at the Lynch house, the truth was bound to come out at some point.  They had been surprisingly cool about the whole situation. Julia had actually found the story to be quite hilarious. Carly had been hesitant at first, about joining their little group; she didn’t want to feel like the fifth wheel, going out with two couples. But they had immediately made her feel like she was a part of their ‘clique’. Riker slung his arm around his fiancé’s shoulders. “You know, I’m actually going to have to agree with Julia on this one. Captain America is pretty cool.” He said innocently. Kristen glared at him, annoyed, before angrily removing his arm from her shoulders. “Guess who’s sleeping on the couch tonight.” she snapped. Carly couldn’t help but giggle. She could tell by the slight smirk on Kristen’s face that she wouldn’t actually kick Riker out to the living room. Riker poked his bottom lip out playfully and rested his head on her shoulder. “You would never.” He said, smiling happily. She moved slightly to the left, causing him to nearly fall onto the floor. “Oh I might. You could always go cuddle with Captain America.” She teased. Riker shook his head and beamed up at her. “Nah. I think I prefer you as a cuddle-buddy.” He said, winking. Kristen rolled her eyes as a grin broke out across her own face. Rocky quickly balled up a napkin and threw it across the table at his older brother and future sister-in-law. “Okay…I think that’s enough. Could you please try not to gross Carly out? She’s new to our little group.” Rocky said, scowling slightly with disgust. Riker grinned again as he reached for the check in the center of the table. “I’ll try.” He said jokingly. He slipped his card into the designated pocket. Rocky reached for his own wallet. “Are you sure? We can split it.” He offered. Riker shook his head. “It’s cool. You got it last week.” He gestured for the waitress to come take the card. Julia turned to face Carly. “So you’ve been listening to us chatter all night and we haven’t heard a thing about you. What’s up with that?” she asked jokingly. Carly smiled shyly and shrugged. “I was just enjoying listening to you guys. And by the way…you’re both wrong. Iron Man is by far the best Avenger.” Rocky grinned. “That’s what I’m talking about! Boom.” He reached across the table to quickly slap Carly’s extended hand. Julia rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Carly. “No seriously…tell us about you. Do you have any siblings?” she asked curiously. Carly shook her head. “No, I don’t. I’m an only child. I always wanted siblings. I think that’s why I enjoy hanging at the Lynch house so much.” She said, smiling over at Rocky. Rocky smiled as well. “Well we enjoy having you.”  Kristen laced her arm through Riker’s and leaned forward eagerly. “What do your parents do for a living?” she questioned. Carly half-smiled. “They’re both lawyers.” Riker laughed aloud. “Well that explains Harvard.”  Carly nodded. “Yeah, I grew up hearing them both talk about different cases they worked. And there were always old law textbooks lying around the house. It’s just what I’ve always wanted to do, ever since I was a little girl.” She said quietly, smiling dreamily. The waitress laid Riker’s card back on the table. “Have a good evening guys.” She smiled politely and moved on to another table. Riker pushed his chair back from the table and stood up. “Let’s get out of here. I can hear Starbucks calling my name.” Kristen stood as well, grinning widely. “I knew there was a reason I loved you.” She joked. She leaned over to quickly peck his lips. Rocky and Julia groaned. “None of that tonight.” Rocky griped. Carly giggled as she followed the four of them out of the restaurant. She actually thought Riker and Kristen were adorable. She hoped to find that kind of relationship for herself one day. She grimaced. Of course, she had to get the marriage that she was currently, and begrudgingly, in behind her first.


“Let me get a venti caramel frappuchino, and a venti white mocha frappuchino. Carly, what do you want?” Riker asked, turning around to face her. Carly shook her head and reached for her bag. “No it’s cool, I’ve got it-” “No you don’t.” Riker interjected as he tugged on her arm until she was standing beside him. He gestured to the menu on the wall. “Get whatever you want.” He insisted. Carly opened and closed her mouth. “Really, Riker…” she tried again. Kristen lightly touched her arm. “It’s no use. He’ll take your wallet if he has to. Trust me.” She smiled up at her soon-to-be husband. Carly sighed and faced the barista. “In that case I’ll have a tall vanilla frappuchino.” She said meekly. Riker scoffed. “Make that a venti. Carly, don’t be modest. You know you want the big one.” He joked. Carly half-smiled. “Not that you would give me much of a choice.” She said knowingly. Riker smiled and handed her a straw. “You’re catching on fast.” He said, smirking playfully. “Guys come onnnn. It’s getting late.” Rocky whined. He and Julia had already gotten their drinks and stepped off to the side. Julia swatted his arm lightly. “Don’t be rude.” She scolded. “Three venti frappuchinos, a vanilla, caramel, and white mocha?” The barista called out. Riker stepped forward. “Right here.” He said, holding up his hand. After handing out the drinks, the five of them stepped out into the muggy nighttime air. “Can we please go somewhere with AC?” Julia pleaded. Rocky glanced down at her, a smug grin playing at the corners of his mouth. “Oh no, Julia, don’t be rude.” He teased. She swatted his arm again, harder this time. “Oh shut it.” She mumbled as she took a sip from her drink. Rocky jumped suddenly when his phone began ringing in his pocket. He pulled it out and glanced down at the screen. “It’s mom…” he said, confusion evident across his features. He took a few steps away from the group. “Hello?” he answered. Carly and the others continued walking down the sidewalk, slower to avoid putting too much distance between them and Rocky. Carly couldn’t help but overhear a few bits of the conversation. “Yeah…Carly’s still with us. Where else would she be?” He was silent for a few moments. “Wait…what?” More silence. Carly’s interest was piqued. She slowed her pace slightly. “Are you serious?? Oh my God.” Carly stopped walking entirely. The other three stopped as well. Riker gave her a puzzled look. She turned around slowly to face Rocky. “Something’s wrong…” she said quietly. She began walking towards Rocky, the others following closely behind. He was pacing back and forth. His free hand was tangled into his hair, tugging at the ends in frustration. “Yeah…yeah. Ok, mom. Oh my God. Yeah. We’ll be right there.” He immediately clicked end and turned to face the group. “We have to go.” He said tightly. Carly could see the muscles in his arms tense up. Julia stepped closer to him and rested her hand on his back comfortingly. “What happened?” she asked worriedly. Kristen instinctively stepped closer to Riker as well. “Bro…is everything ok?” Riker asked, staring expectantly at Rocky. Rocky shook his head. “No, it’s not.” He turned to Carly. “They know…everybody. It was on the news.” He said quietly. Carly shook her head confusedly. “Rocky…who’s everybody? What are you talking about?” she asked anxiously. She could feel fear knotting up in her stomach. Rocky took a deep breath. “The fans. The country. Everybody. They know about Vegas.”

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