1: Dirty Dreams

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Please Lord, give me peace tonight. Do not allow such vile visions to plague my dreams once more. Please.

Lyla laid in bed, silently praying for one nights rest. Of late, her dreams have turned dark….dirty. Within the last fortnight Claude DeCuir had played in her mind for hours, giving her no reprieve. She would wake in a sweat, frustrated by the endless torture he would put her body through.

His hands running over her, caressing her softly as he toyed with her. He would stroke the flames of her body until she was trembling with need, begging him to satisfy her. But in the end she would wake with the burning between her thighs. The need to release so strong even her own fingers couldn’t bring ease to the pain.

She loathed that she was so wanton of him, this man who had laid claim to her all those months ago. Summer was nearing its end, the heat only adding to her frustrated state, as she thought over his words once more.

“Ma chére, I will come for you the day you turn of age. Do not try to run from me, you are mine now.”

Since that awful Halloween night, her and mother had since moved from their small village. Rumors of what had happened that night flew throughout the town. No one had suspected Lyla, for no one knew of the four youths plan for her that night. But the constant reminded of their screams and those horrid eyes that stood below her, waving as she was lifted to safety became too much.

Only her mother knew of the events. She also knew of the creatures who led her daughter home that evening. Creatures she was sure were still keeping a close eye on her beloved daughter. Soon…soon he would come or her and there was little that she could do to save her beloved daughter.

Lyla settled in her bed, unaware of the eyes that lerked in the shadows near her window, watching her toss and turn. Her eyes had just closed, and as if already in her dream state, she began to wiggle beneath her covers. Her rapid breathing told the creatures their master had come to her in her sleeping state.

“Tellement doux ... tellement beau ... bientôt, ma chѐre, je vais bientôt profiter de votre crème soyeuse peau.” (So soft....so lovely....soon, my dear, soon I will enjoy your silky cream skin.)

“Please, Claude. Don’t wait! I need you now. I need all of you!” Lyla’s voice rang out in the darkness.

 The constant burn of her unsated arousal painfully increasing as his fingertips ran the length of her small frame, brushing the curve of her breast as his thumb flicked over the beaded tip, sending her already throbbing body closer to her release.

“Please, Claude! Please sir!”

She hated how she begged for him, pleaded for him to take her because in the end it would always be the same. He would leave her wanting and unsatisfied.

“Shhh, ma chѐre, tonight I will ease your ache.”

For months Claude had wanted this, this moment he could show her what passion was. He would bring her release over and over, he would give her a glimpse of what he could soon do to her body. He bid his time, teasing her, but now he wanted to hear her scream his name as she came with his touch.

He sat in the backdrop of her mind nightly, for the last nine months he had visited her dreams. First just a shadow in her mind, in the empty space that filled a corner. Soon after he would be a reminder, a picture that sat upon the wall, his green orbs that would shine through if she looked into a mirror. Now, finally, he was the persistent presence invading her sleeping thoughts.

In less than a weeks’ time he would be able to come for her. He would fully claim her and take her away. He would give her what she had never thought possible. He would consume her, every inch of her body and soul would be his, just as he would be hers.

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