Dirty Harry Styles Stories

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"Come on Jace, it'll be fun! It's only for one night, that's it!"

"I already told you Lauren, I'm not going to that stupid club. It's just not a good place for anyone."

"You're only 21, they won't give you anything. Ugh,whatever, see you after break."

I hit the home button on my Iphone and shoved it into my purse. I went over to my vanity and took one last look into the mirror. My blonde hair was put into a ponytail, with my bangs hnging right above my eyes. I tugged the black fabric of my dress down so that it reached my mid-thighs. After a touch a make-up, I went downstairs and climbed into my car.

It was 15 minutes later when I reached the club parking lot. Already, people were lined up out the door and down the whole sidewalk. I got out of the car and walked over to the end of the line, texting for my friend to hurry up.

To: Andrea

*Where are you? Are you still going?*

From: Andrea

*Chill out, almost there.*

I ended up waiting a couple of minutes before there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, seeing the tattooed girl that was Andrea.

"Hey! You excited?"

"I'm not here for me. Well not exactly. I'm just here to help you lose your v-card to some freaking hot guy."

I blushed and immediately went to my phone to distract myself. Sure, I was still a virgin but I didn't think much of it. A couple of months ago, I promised Andrea that if I didn't have a serious relationship by the time I was 21, she would help me out.

Something must've happened because before I knew it, there were only about 10 people left before us. I checked the time and saw that it was only 11:30.

We finally got in and Andrea instantly dragged me over to the bar. We sat down at two of the seats, right in the middle. Andrea mentioned some drink to the bartender that I had never heard of and she started moving her head to the music.

"Ah, fuck the drink, I 'm gonna go dance. Wanna join?"

"I'm good for right now, I'll join later."

She got up from her seat, pulled down the hem of her dress, and disappeared into the crowd of dancing people.

The bartender came back over with two drinks and sat them down. I thanked him and took one. I closed my eyes and took a drink. Already, I could tell that this wasn't going to be the fairytale night that I thought it was going to be.

I turned around, facing the bar, and opened my eyes. I nearly fell off the seat when I saw a guy sitting dangerously closed to me.

"God, you scared the hell out of me." I said trying not to laugh at my embarrasment.

"Sorry love."

"It's no pro-"

I immediately stopped talking, taken back by his appearance. Chocolate brown curls, emerald green eyes, and the most amazing smile I've seen anywhere. I watched as he picked up the other drink and gave me a look, asking if he could have it. I slowly nodded, still in shock of his features.

"So what do they call you?"

"Lauren. You?"


His voice was even better than his look. For me, anyone with a British accent is hot. We finished our drinks and Harry stood up, extending his arm out. I put my hand in his and we walked out onto the dance floor. With my free hand, I pulled down the hem of my dress; it had a way of creeping up without me noticing.

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