Chapter 1: Why?

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I can't hold it! Curse you you very small bladder! Though you do come in handy most of the time. I wiggled my butt on my chair trying to keep my bladder tamed. I raised my hand trying to catch my teachers attention, but he was to busy grading paper while the others in the class did a math test. He didn't see me, I sighed and raised my hand while squealing, it worked but Mr. Blains looked very annoyed. Huh, he's never angry at me. Actually I'm his favorite student. Maybe the little @ss holes got to him about me like the other teachers.

“ What is so important that you have to disturb the class, Miss. Jackson? “

Cranky much?

“ Ha! Yeah with her ugly face! “ said a guy who sat in front of me, then as always the whole class erupted in laughter.

Well that was just heat breaking.

Mr. Blains tried quieting down the class. He looked to me with raised eyebrows, “ So, uh, as I was SAYING, “ I looked to the guy in front of me. “ I need to us the bathroom very badly... “ I said but he looked down. Okay. That's fine. I'll just wait...

Its been third-teen freaking minutes and I think I'm going to blow! I stood up out of m chair calmly and walked over to the door. “ Where do you think you are going, Miss. Jackson? “ .

I looked behind me and shoot him a sorry look, then I ran out of the room like a crazy person.

I skidded to a stop at the door of the bathroom, looked around and ran inside. I walked into a stall and did my business, I felt so much better, but I knew that I was in trouble after I ran out of the classroom like that, but it was his fault for ignoring me like that.

After I was done and I washed my hands I walked out of the bathroom then stretched. IT was oh so peaceful when no one was running and shouting through the halls, I walked back to the classroom slowly trying to enjoy myself while I could.

When I walked into the classroom every head turned and everyone was shooting glaring looks at me and narrowed eyes at me. It turned my head to Mr. Blains, he to was glaring at me.

“ Detention after school “

“ B-but!- “

“ No buts! You didn't wait, and while a test?! Detention! “

My lip trembled then I narrowed my eyes at him, turned on my heels and walked to my chair.

Everyone was laughing. F you all, I thought.

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