Bloodcovered roses.

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  • Dedicated to to my best friend Krizzy :D (who pushed me to write it) XD

Somewhere lies secret land,full of mysterie and magic..It has kind king and queen.Everything they do brings fortune to kingdom.Stars shine in deep nightly sky,when Alice is born..She and her sister are different as sun and moon.Old gypsy promises them happy and rich life,but destiny has different plans with them.....

In old toystore lies on a window pretty old fashioned doll.Her tealblue eyes are  closed and white long  hair is  decorated with pink ribbons.Her white dress plays with sun and sunshine illuminates light spots on the toy store floor.Everything about her feels magic.Like she would just one moment come to life and fly away like angel.

One day owner of the toy store was looking for something and saw doll alone on the window.He never did have the heart to sell that little doll,who always looked so full of sadness and pain.Her beauty didnt have the power to hide it.Old man walked to the window and carefully lifted doll.

„From where did you  came to this shop and into my lonely life?“ Old man tried to remember,how he had found that doll.It was in a little basket behind his door over 20 years ago.It was raining and doll was soaking wet.No note,no one on the street.Since that day had man treated her like his own daugher.He felt,like she wants to tell something to him..Every time he looked at her.What was it?

He gently put doll back after brushing her hair and changing ribbons.Doll looked even more beautiful than usual.

„Now you look like a godess.I only wish,you could come to life.You dont know,how lonely i am,but you help me pass it.Thank you for being here.“ Whispered slowly old man.After a little glance,if doll is correctly placed,he left to his room.Life hadnt been easy to that man.His name was Hugo.After losing his wife Margaret and daughter Eliza to plague,he didnt have anything else,that that old toy store.No one didnt come anymore to shop and toys were collecting dust.Hugo didnt have anymore strenght much and he would have liked to sell the store,but who would look after the toys? Those were his childs.Every single one of them,but the most precious was that doll.

Hugo closed the door and sighted.There is no reason to cry,he thought.Slowly he went to his desk and wrote next chapter in his green diary.After that he decided to sleep.When he layed in bed,he closed his eyes...and  went into eternal slumber..

Passed two days and one night..

Everyone were at sleep.Even cats werent moving around..Deep silence and peace covered streets and houses.Only one boy was walking and whistled old lullaby..Melody,what was long forgotten and missing from world.That whistle filled the air and travelled through the street to that toy store.It knocked on the window and flyed around the shop,trying to get in.It finally found little crack and went right to the doll..Sparkles started flying and doll flyed into air.Around her started to gather white smoke and covered her.That moment bright light filled the room and bursted out from windows and chimney.Her melody raised its voice so,that everyone across the street could hear it.Something really weird was happening.

Boy heard it and looked behind himself.From some house was coming strong light.Could it be? He ran towards that house and stopped in front of it.Music? Boy opened the door and saw a girl sitting on a window.Lights was coming from her.At that moment,when guy opened his mouth to say something,girl smiled and floated on front of him.She kissed him on cheek and said with quiet,sofltly ringing voice „Thank you,stranger.“ Then she collapsed.Boy,who  had stood there like statue, catched her and carried her to small couch,where he put her gently.

Boy sat next to her and tryed to figure out,what weird girl it is.Her arms and legs..They had strings like marionette dollie.She was more than weirder.What is connection with her and that melody?All those thoughts ran through his head.He could have left and leave that girl there,but he remembered his orders,what Gerald had given him..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2012 ⏰

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