"By the way, I want to invite you to watch me on my match in Tuesday, can you come?" Shawn asked,

"Sure, I'll be there to watch plus I want to see what is art school look like,"

"Great," Shawn said.

After a long talk and walked around the park, they decided to end it with a lunch and then they went home. It was a great day for Shawn, he finally met his old best friend again and he got him to watch his match on Tuesday.

Camila was at home and she helped her mom to cleaned up the house. She felt really tired but she had to help her mom. After she cleaned her room, she decided to continue write her song because there was only two days left for her to perform in front of the students. She was very nervous about the song and she hoped that Mrs. Roman would like the song as much as she did. She only had to give the last line of the song and she felt very proud of the song that she just made.

On Monday, the day finally came. All the music students were feeling so nervous about their songs but they felt so proud to. Nobody couldn't stop sing their songs while they waited for Mrs. Roman. But, Camila still made herself in silent, it means she was very nervous and got a lot of anxienty of herself that time but she tried to made them cool.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Shawn greeted,

"Nothing, I'm just nervous," Camila said,

"Everybody does, but let's chill. Here I got you a coffee, hope it makes you alright," he said as he handed her a cup of coffee,

"Aw, you're very nice and thank you," Camila said,

"You're welcome, Miss," he joked,

15 minutes later, Mrs. Roman finally showed up in the class. As she walked in, nobody talked. Their feel was full of nervous and hoped to get a good grades for this semester.

"Okay, the show is begin now. I want to start the show with Laura, please," she said,

Laura, one of Camila's classmate, stood up and walked to the stage. She used the piano for her song. Mrs. Roman looked so mad about the song that Laura made or it was just Camila's feeling. Camila's hand were sweaty because the panic attacked her so bad. Shawn tried to calm her down and made sure that she was okay.

"Okay, it's time for Shawn," Mrs. Roman said,

"Good luck," Camila whispered as Shawn stood up from his seat.

He used the guitar for guiding his song. He started to intro and the he sang the song.

Think I don't need a watch to tell the time
Think I don't need the sun to help me shine
Think I don't need a girl to be alright
Guess I didn't know

Thought I didn't need shoes on my feet
Thought I didn't need a bed to fall asleep
Thought I didn't need love to be complete
Guess I didn't know

That I just got this crazy feeling
I've been making someone wait for me
For me


Guess I need a watch to tell the time
Guess I need the sun to help me shine
And I really need you in my life
Now I know

That you give me this crazy feeling
And you won't have to wait no more for me
For me

And I just got this crazy feeling
I've been making someone wait for me

"Thank you," Shawn said as he ended the song and walked down from the stage.

The second time Mrs. Roman smiled after Noah and Shawn performed. Sometimes, it's really hard to get a good grades from Mrs. Roman, you have to be perfect for the music and you have to feel it and when Mrs. Roman got the feel, she will smile and can give you the perfect score.

"The last performance goes to Camila," she said.

Camila inhaled and exhaled. She tried to make her song perfectly in the song. Shawn held her hand as she stood up.

"Good luck," he mouthed and Camila smiled to him.

She walked up to stage and used the piano for her song. She wished that she would get the good grades because she didn't want to let her parents down. This is her major and she should fight for it.

Still got the flowers that you sent
And the note you wrote that said
That we're meant to be forever
I keep them all as evidence
In a drawer under the mirror
Filled with empty promises
I don't know why
I keep letting you lie to me
Hard as I try
It seems I can't break away
I thought that you would be the hero
Come and save the day
But you're a villain
Your sins unforgiven

I'm going down, and you have watched me drown
In a river of tears, lost beneath the stream
Under the waves, I've found the strength to say
The river of tears has washed me clean
Go 'head and wish me well
I'll cry a wishing well
I'll fly before I fail
I'll set sail and drift away
So I won't need you here
Love sinks and hope floats
In a river of tears
In a river of tears


Cry me a river, build myself a bridge
I'm over this, can't let memories become the death of me
I'm glad to see everything that you are
And I believe that you are everything I needed
But I don't need no more

I'm going down, and you have watched me drown
In a river of tears, lost beneath the stream
Under the waves, I've found the strength to say
The river of tears has washed me clean
Go 'head and wish me well
I'll cry a wishing well
I'll fly before I fail
I'll set sail and drift away
So I won't need you here
Love sinks and hope floats
In a river of tears
In a river of tears

"Thank you for attention," Camila said and smiled to the audience. She decided to go back to her seat and inhaled and exhaled as much as she needed. She tried to calm herself down.

"You were so good up there," Shawn whispered,

"Thank you, I can't handle this nervous but so glad it's done," she whispered back,

"Okay, class. Thank you for the songs, I only got a few students who got the perfect scores. The scores will be announce on Wednesday," Mrs. Roman said and the she left the room.

Camila felt so relieved after she performed even though she still worried about her scores but at least she did her best for her song because she worked very hard for it and she hoped she would get the perfect score for the song that she wrote for a long time.

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