Using different shortcuts of the mess of intricate alleyways and streets throughout Tattooine's unbearable terrain, I promptly made my way to the docking bay where the falcon sat.

It was a few steps through the open archway before I caught sight of the magnificent, well, magnificent to Han, Chewie, and I, ship, called the Millennium Falcon.

What stopped me dead in my tracks was the huge slug in the middle of the clay pavement, Jabba the Hutt, with all his most trusted mercenaries and henchmen types surrounding him. Even Boba Fett was present, which surprised me, and also slightly worried me. He was one of the most renowned bounty hunters in the galaxy, possessing a meticulous expertise that was both admired and feared by the many who had come into contact with him.

I walked past Jabba, giving him a nod to at least address his mighty slimy-ness, and headed towards the boarding ramp of Han's extradordinary ship. Stopping as I passed Boba, I was about to whisper a quiet greeting, but my head turned back towards the archway entrance of the docking bay as Han emerged.

Boba, to my incredulity, used his index finger and thumb to quick touch under my chin, but immediately stepped closer to Jabba, leaving me to stand under the Falcon and watch the scene unfold.

His little brush on my chin didn't distract me very much; he had always been notorious for flirtations of many degrees and for his female companions. Lucky for Han, I was too attached to him to let a man like Boba curb my attraction.

I expected an intense negotiation to go down right before my very eyes, complete with drawn blasters and heartbeats racing, but Jabba took a more friendly approach to his warning for Han. A mere talking to from Jabba and a promise of the payment owed to him from Han made up the moment, and the villainous group before me soon departed. I didn't take my slightly trembling fingers away from the blaster on my hip until they were completely gone.

I hadn't noticed until he emerged again, but Chewie had remained hidden during the confrontation, waiting to defend his pilot and best friend if needed. Giving him a look of relief, I walked towards him and began to help him with some of the gear being loaded onto the ship.

A lighter voice suddenly pierced through the silence like an annoying alarm, speaking a slightly bold exclamation in the presence of Han Solo," What a piece of junk!"

This rather blasphemous statement caused Han to put down what he was doing at once, and turn around. His smug yet proud tone was evident," She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid."

After he instructed the new passengers to board the ship, Han and Chewie remained outside to continue loading gear, and I followed up the ramp behind Luke and a little blue and white astromech droid.

A heavy weight sat on my chest upon noticing the droid, as it reminded me of a little companion I used to have who had my back all the time with no question. He had looked exactly like Luke's too, except he was green and white.

Sighing quietly, not wanting to spend the next minute sorrowful about what had happened with my old droid, I didn't quite follow the group into the main hold, but stood in the corridor for a minute.

Chewie snuck past me, and made his way to the cockpit. I would have walked with him to the same destination, but something felt weird within me, as if a situation of some importance was about to occur.

As if it was on cue, blaster shots started echoing through the structure that the falcon was present in, and I quickly turned towards the boarding ramp, knowing Han was still out there.

A loud shout rang through the air as Han sprinted inside," Get us out of here, Chewie!"

He ran into me on accident as he shut the ramp, not paying close attention, but it didn't phase him much, as he, though slightly disoriented, continued to the cockpit.

I had fallen to the deck after he tripped me up, but rather than hurt, I was mildly annoyed. Normally, I would have gotten up and found him once more so I could tease or complain for a moment, like he on occasion did to me, but I knew we were about to take off, and I would only end up falling again if I tried to stand.

The golden human-like protocol droid unleashed an obvious verbal complaint, which pierced the tension in the air, "Oh my, I'd forgotten how much I hate space travel."

After the rough takeoff past the gritty Tattooine atmosphere and soon into the calm of space, the whole ship bucked again with me still lying on the metal floor of the Falcon as Han made the jump to lightspeed.

As soon as the ship leveled, I walked into the main quarters. The room proved to have taken abuse in the past, as there was dirt in each little nook and cranny, and the air surrounding the cabin was slightly hazy. Han loved the ship, but he also didn't keep it meticulously clean like its previous owner. The old leather on the choices for seating had become discolored and cracked from its age. I noticed Chewbacca and the droids were around a circular table taking part in a holographic game of strategy, and Chewie was becoming increasingly irritated.

The sandy haired boy that I still couldn't believe was in my presence had seated himself at a chair in the hold, and the poised older gentleman I was fortunate to call "Master" was sitting opposite him.

I approached the two men that were seated, and began questioning them curiously" So, what's your story?" My eyes glanced back and forth between Luke and Obi-Wan," Why do you need a transport?"

Luke started, taking a shallow breath," My Uncle and I; You remember Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, right?"

I nodded, one of my eyebrows up now in anticipation of the story of how the farm kid sitting before me got himself mixed up with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Han Solo.

"Well, we bought these two droids, R2D2 and C3PO," He introduced them, using his hand to direct my attention to them, then continued," from the Jawas. I started to clean them, then I went to dinner."

"Well, when I came back from dinner, This R2 unit was gone, and 3PO told me he went to go find his master. We waited until morning to find R2, and when we did, we were attacked and mugged by Sand People. Old Ben here rescued us, and brought us back to his home, along with R2."

"We found a message in R2, and it was a beautiful princess, asking Ben for help in the Rebellion, and that we needed to bring the R2 unit to the planet Alderaan. At first, I was hesitant to come with, because I have chores to do; the farm to take care of, you know? But then we found a sand walker, and all the jawas that worked it were on the outside, their bodies laid out in the sand, and they were all dead. They were the same ones that sold us the droids."

"The footprints of the killers were Sandtrooper's. Imperial Sandtroopers. Ben suggested that they were looking for these two droids. Then the truth hit me in the face. They obviously tracked them to home, and when I got there, everything was incinerated, the droids, the house, Aunt Beru, Uncle Owen...." His voice hesitated as he choked upon mentioning the deceased family member's names.

I sighed, took a deep breath, and stated," One day, those sandtroopers will get what they asked for. But Luke, you must not be hateful or want revenge. That will lead you down the dark path."
He asked," So, how do you know Old Ben?"

I said," Well, he is my Jedi master. I found him when I first left home, and he taught me the ways of the Jedi."

Luke asked in awe," You're a Jedi Knight?"

I nodded in response.

Luke answered," wow."

R2 then randomly rolled to the cockpit, then immediately turned back.

We heard Han say," It looks like an imperial cruiser. Our passengers must be hotter than I thought. Try and hold them off. Angle the deflector shield while I make the calculations to jump to light speed."

We looked at each other, and then rushed to the cockpit to see what the trouble was.


I am seriously very enthusiastic about this fanfic. Will update tomorrow!! :D


{Edited 1/21/16}

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