Page 7 - Opal Eyes.

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Once inside I walked to the bathroom and leaned against the sink with my head hung down breathing heavy, more anger was burning inside me and I couldn't figure out why other then all the pain I hid was trying to break loose if so I hope there's a bomb shelter near by.

I heard the door open but I ignored it till an ice pack was tossed in my view, I didn't bother looking up " If your hear to try and take care of me Cody don't I don't fucking need it ive picked myself up before it's no different here" I said behind gritted teeth.

I grew more pissed at the silence so I looked up about to yell when I was met with Opal eyes, mine widened in shock.

He walked over picked the ice pack up then held it to my face while I stood there frozen, I thought Cody was in here I didn't expect Jon to be there he doesn't talk or well do anything from what I've seen, he beat the shit out of a kid then brought me an ice pack and is now holding it to my face, this is the most emotions I've ever seen him show he never approaches me even when I asked about stuff in Programming.

After me just standing there I saw his eyes still locked with mine and I wanted to scream how the fuck can you see me but I was still frozen, my body felt cold not from the ice either no my whole body felt cold and my heart started racing.

I looked over his face more seeing small freckles on his cheeks, the scar looks old and deep, his eyes were so bright I thought they were glowing but they have always been like that I just never looked at them as much, he had pink thin lips that looked so soft, his hair was messy like he just woke up or stuck his head out the window of a car.

I looked off to the side and felt tears threaten my eyes I don't deserve everyone being so nice to me " You didn't have to get me this" I said with a voice crack and then the air felt different he grabbed my hand moving it to the ice pack, his hands felt cold like he was dead but somehow comforting or was it just because I'm weak right now.

He grabbed my free arm and pulled me out of the bathroom and to his side before letting me go, I looked over in the corner of my eye and saw he had a different look he didn't look as blank his face looked sad almost but protective it reminded me of how I looked when people messed with my friends.

He walked me out the front doors then over to a blue jeep where he opened the passenger door " I can't I have to stay here with Tyler" I said but he didn't move and I sighed then got into the jeep, he closed the door and walked to the other side getting in then pulling out.

I pulled my phone out and texted Tyler so he didn't worry to much ( E-Evan. T-Tyler )

E- Hey I left school I will met you at home.

T- WHAT!? Why?

E- I got into a fight and I just needed to get away.

T- Don't you dare think of doing anything like last time I will hunt you down EVAN FONG!

E- I won't I promise I'll see you after school or later.

I locked my phone and put it away as I stared out the window it felt awkward being in his jeep with him since we never talked and this is the first time we actually made any type of conversation well with body language and eyes at least.

It didn't take long till I noticed where we were at, it was Blue and Luke's house and that made me question why we were here.

He turned the jeep off after pulling into the garage, maybe that's why I never seen his jeep I thought to myself as he got out and he unlocked the door, I followed close behind since I figured that's what he wanted me to do.

He stopped on the stairs and turned around looking at me then started up the steps I decided to follow him, we came to a dark wood door and he opened it revealing a blue shaded room that looked neat yet messy with some clothes in the corner.

He pointed to the bed and I went over sittign down on it watching him walk out of the room, I looked around at some posters on the wall there was a computer desk and dresser everything seemed like it hasn't been touched in years but his clothes.

I heard footsteps then he walked in with a cup and ice pack in one hand and his other was closed, he walked over and dropped pills in my hand then gave me the cup and ice pack so I took the pills then downed the water.

He took the cup and set it on the dresser then put the blanket over my legs " I can't lay in your bed I feel bad you don't have to do this" I said seeing his eyes look a little mad so I took it as a warning and laid down holding the ice pack on my face.

I watched him walk over and close the curtains then turned a small desk light on, he then walked over and closed his door then shut the light off making his way over to the computer turning it on, he leaned forward on one arm while his other pulled up the same program from school.

I laid there watching him work on the game he was getting good at it and with each part he would add more details that just made it come more to life I didn't know how he could think of something like that but it was surely amazing.

After a few he pulled his phone out for a moment then put it away and went back to what he was doing, a few moments later my phone went off I looked at it seeing a call from Tyler, I sat up in bed seeing Jon staring at me over his shoulder.

E- " Hey Tyler what's up"

T- " Blue just texted me saying Jon has you in his room care to explain"

E- " Um yeah he brought me here I thought he was going to take me home or something but no he gave me some pain pills since my jaw hurts really bad and I'm just resting right now"

T- " Ill come get you after school"

After Tyler said that Jon just glared so I got an idea.

E- " If you ok with it I was just going to sleep here and go to school in the morning"

After I said that Jon's eyes softened up, I was right that he wanted me to stay here but I couldn't figure out why.

T- " Only if Blue is ok with it I'll bring you clothes over later oh and don't get pregnant"

After Tyler said that he ended the phone call and my face just flushed red so I covered it with the ice pack and laid down to embraced to look up, I closed my eyes hoping the pain that's been growing stops soon I hate headaches.

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