Semi-casual life

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"Ohhh Sugataaa!" Mikako yelled. He looked up from his studies and turned his head towards the door. "Come on in its open." Sugata stated. Mikako entered the room. "It's been quiet around here lately hasn't it?..." She exclaimed. "Yeah I suppose so, it's kinda nice isn't it?" Sugata answered. "Hehehe too quiet...." Mikako murmured awkwardly. Sugata looked back at his work. "Well whatever you decide you want to do to the people here, please don't make it too crazy." He said. "Oh. I can't make any promises, Sugata..." Mikako plotted.

When Tomoki and Ikaros got to class everyone was already there. The teacher was socializing in the hallway, so he had something written on his whiteboard. (Pick your own groups of five. This cannot be changed once we start the year.) "Over here Tomo!" Sohara yelled. Tomoki and Ikaros looked over to see Sohara, Nymph and Astraea already seated around a table that had two chairs left. The two went and sat down in the chairs along with the others. "Where the hell did you run off to, Nymph?" Tomoki asked. "I really hate history so I got out of there as fast as possible." Nymph replied. "Wow. Day one and I'm already super bored." Tomoki said. "Yea! Like when are we Gona get lunch I'm totally hungry!" Astraea shouted. Finally the bell rang and the teacher still hadn't come back inside. "What the hell is taking him so long!" A student that sat in the front of the class yelled. "Yea this is crazy!" Another replied. Sohara decided to get up and see if he was still in the hallway. "He's not out here!" Sohara said as she walked back into the class. BEEP BEEP BEEP. Someone began speaking on the intercom. "Hello students of Sorami high!" It was Mikako. The group recognized her voice immediately. "If you haven't already noticed your teachers are missing. This is because of the little team building game that I have created for our first day of school." At that moment everyone in the class knew what was going on. Mikako had created some life endangering scenario for her personal enjoyment. "So what is going to happen is were Gona have a fun little capture the flag, well more of capture the leader. In the case of the staff you are going to have to catch Tomoki Sakurai, the leader of the Students. As for the Students you are to catch the principal of Sorami High. Winning team gets to get extra days of school (staff) or extra days off school (students). There will be either 5 days added or taken off the schedule for this year based off this exercise. Have fun good luck to you both!" Mikako said enthusiastically as she cut the announcements.

"It's been a while your lordship." At this moment all the kids in the class kneeled down to Tomoki. Why me. Tomoki thought to himself. Why is it always me, God dammit Prez. Tomoki looked down at the floor. "It has hasn't it my dear warriors." He said with his head still hung. "So what's your genius plan Tomo?" Nymph asked. "Ikaros get me a marker!" Tomoki yelled as he walked towards the whiteboard. "Everyone in the first row! Go get me every man or woman participating in this event." "Yes my lordship!" They all yelled as they ran out the door all in separate directions. After about ten minutes or so tons of people started pilling into the classroom. At the end of them all stood Sugata. "It's nice to be working with you again." Tomoki said to him. "Same to you my lordship." Sugata replied. "All of you listen up! Sugata here is my right hand man! Second in command! Treat him as you would treat me!" Tomoki yelled to the class. "WHAT NOW MY LORDSHIP!" The class shouted. Tomoki looked at Ikaros and she handed him the marker. He began sketching out a small scale map for the class to see. "Alright, this is us right here." Tomoki drew a circle on the board. "The staff has a base in the courtyard, the main office and a big one in the woods, my lordship." Sugata told Tomoki. After a few moments of thinking Tomoki came upon a decision for the attack. "Okay so we are going to create 5 squadrons each with 10 elite warriors to take on the more difficult missions. Sugata will be in charge of assembling these squads. Nymph figure out which of these people are willing to go to the front lines for us. And for the rest of the people will be fighting alongside Ikaros and Astraea." With the groups finally assembled Tomoki began drawing out an attack plan. "Take our biggest group of troops to the Main office first. Then we will have one of the five elite squads infiltrate their communication systems." Nymph looked at Tomoki and said "I will lead this mission because this is right up my alley." "Thank you Nymph, very brave of you." Tomoki said

Nymph was creeping down the hallway with an elite squad right there tailing her. She turned and faced the group. "Our job is crucial for our success. I will go invisible and get into the communications room where they radio to the other bases. Once I get the radio down I will throw down a handful of pop-it mini fireworks. This is a signal for you guys to cover me all the way back to the hallway where we are right now. When we are done with our job the student body army will take care of the rest (SBA)." "make sure your paintball guns are full of ammo right now before we start." Someone in the group said. BAM! The whole group looked around started. It was the staff. They had spotted them through the cameras. POP POP POPOPOP POP! Paintballs guns were going off all over. "What's going on over there!" Tomoki called to Nymph over her radio. "They ambushed us, way to many to fight! We're Gona go down!" Her radio cut out. "How many of us are there left?!" Nymph yelled to another guy from her squad. "It's just me, you and two others!" He replied. Nymph turned her head to look at him and he was shot right in the chest. Shit! Nymph thought to herself. What am I gona do we're done for. At that moment she saw the other two from her squad exchanging fire between the enemy from behind a flipped table. She spun her body and shot a teacher who was creeping up. "Fuck!" One of the two remaining girls by Nymph yelled. The girl next to her had been hit and was done for. The girl jumped up and started rapid firing on the staff. She at least took out 4 of them but at the cost of her own life. "Your finished." A man said who was behind Nymph holding his paintball gun to her head. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. POP!

"My lordship, we have lost the battle in the main office. Even our backup army was defeated." A nobile soldier told Tomoki. "Well then, Sugata must organize a team to take them out while they're weak." The battle went on for days and the two teams numbers were dwindling. Tomoki sat with Sugata, Ikaros and the last elite squad he had. "We've lost many important pieces of our team this war. Sohara, Nymph and many others. However we now have the courtyard and the main office. This gives us the upper hand." Tomoki exclaimed. "How so my lordship?" A soldier asked. "We have all the materials that they left behind when we destroyed them. Also they have hardly any members left considering they sent back-up troops to many of our battles." Tomoki answered. "Okay so full frontal attack right my lordship?" Sugata asked. "Yes indeed." Tomoki replied. The group was creeping in the woods up to the biggest base. "Ikaros get all of us a few paint grenades." Tomoki ordered. "Yes master." Ikaros said as she handed everyone squishy grenades that she just received from synapse. "Okay half of the elites come with me and Ikaros. The other half goes with Sugata." Tomoki created a plan. Sugata's team was to attack first and as they were fighting Tomoki's group was to flank them from the left. While this was going on Ikaros was to fly Tomoki over to the Principals hut. The groups split so the plans could be realized. As Tomoki and his team were walking they heard screams and gunfire but Tomoki just kept saying "it's to late to turn, they would want us to continue. The squad lined up for the attack and the second a shot was fired Ikaros flew Tomoki over to the hut. As she dropped him a shot hit her dead in the forehead and she dropped to the ground. Tomoki ran inside sliding on his knees firing at everyone. He stood up and looked right at the principal. "It's over for you, surrender now or suffer!" Tomoki shouted at the principal. "No it's actually the opposite." He snapped back. Tomoki sat in confusion for a second but the heard a noise behind him. There stood Mikako pointing her paintball gun directly at Tomoki. "I have been on the staffs side this whole game. I bet you totally forgot to account for me, didn't you Tomoki?" Mikako asked. Tomoki didn't respond he just accepted his defeat. He dropped his gun to the floor and spread his arms. Mikako shot him right in the middle of the chest and Tomoki fell on his back. "This is why I don't play any of these games with you prez. It's always such bullshit." Tomoki whined while laying on the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2016 ⏰

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