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Cersei sat on the bed in her chambers, fiddling with her hands a bit as Robert hunted, and if she knew where Jaime was, that is exactly where she would be. How could Jaime be stupid enough to push Bran from the window? The boy could have died for all they knew... it could have saved or ruined them for all either of the two knew. She suddenly heard a knock on her door, immediately getting up from the bed and walking over to open the door.
As she opened it Jamie stood there looking at his sister so lovingly. Noticing how her hair was really shining as glimce of candle light made parts of her hair glow. "God she's beautiful" he thought to himself. he then walked in the room and said to her "You look stressed sweet sister..... what is wrong?" ( even though he knew what was wrong) "You know exactly why." She told him immediately in response, glaring at him for a moment before walking back over across the room. "You could not think of any better way than pushing the Stark boy out the window... what if he had died? Or worse, lived and remembered what he saw? Ned Stark confronted me today about the matter... he knows himself, and he has hardly been in King's Landing for a fortnight."
"who cares what he thinks... or thinks he knows" he follows taking a hold of her pulling her in taking a deep sniff burying his head into her hair. "I did it for us cersei can't you see that. and if that stark boy talks we will say his lying"   "And what if his father believes him... starts to have a reason to claim we are doing terrible things?" She retorted, shaking her head with the softest, unamused smirk as she pulled away in order to get up and walk towards the desk.
"well I will kill him then... I will kill EVERYONE" he follows her again and hugs her from behind "and I don't think what we are doing is that terrible" he says it smirking " I love you you me that's all that matters. and as I said I will .... I WOULD kill everyone and go to war with your husband if I had to till you and I are the only people left"  "You cannot kill everyone, Jaime.. let me go." She breathed, her voice catching in her throat and glancing back at him as he groped her in his arms. "I don't want to let you go. I want you. I hate seeing you with Rob." he pulls her as close as he can to himself. "I also hate that our kids call him dad!" He says it bitterly even though he knows it has to be that way "And you think I do not... you think I do not loathe laying next to that pig every night when it should be you?" She challenged, looking up at him as she let her eyes meet his as he gripped her. She wanted to scone him, pull away, thrash, but then she wanted him closer and closer. keeping his left hand round her waist in a hug he moves in his right. slowly up her body till his gently holding her face in his hand, stroking her face with his thumb. so genetly, so lovingly and caring. "It will be me one day Cersei." he says it as if a promise. "Me and you will be together...... probably one day...  it's all I dream" She leaned into his touch, her eyes slipping shut as she thought of the idea of them, their three children, away from all this mess in King's Landing. She could not give it up, could not walk away with him without her children... without the power. She had something to prove. "What are your other dreams?" She whispered, finally looking up at him and clearing her throat. Was she still upset with him?
"For you to be happy and free. Away from Rob and his insults." he traces his thumb across her lips. Her lips so soft, slightly warm just perfect. " You have the most beautiful, beautiful smile Cersei. I need to see it more. I need to see it light up your face and make them green eyes shine like fire." He pauses taking a second to admire her, because no matter how much he sees her her beauty never fails to amaze him. "Then of course I also dream of our kids calling me Dad, I dream of there happiness to"  "I wish they knew too. They almost never spend time with you." She sighed at his touch, leaning in closer to him as her eyes moved between his lips and his eyes. "Smiling is rare, dear brother... with that monster, almost impossible." "I know." he says it almost as a whisper before planting a passionate kiss on her lips. "That's why when I make you smile it feels both like an honour and an achievement." Her hands immediately curled around into his hair, pulling him closer into the kiss and humming against his lips as she pressed her body to his. "You do so many things to make me smile... so many things I could name.."
"Then why don't you name a few." he says it in between kissing her, Then spinning her right around so quickly so her backs no longer to him but so she's facing him, and then pulls her right close so there isn't a single gap between them. "You.. just being you.... when you are not speaking too much." She teased a little, smiling a little against his lips and continuing to kiss him, pulling his lower lips between her teeth.
He holds her head in his hands "You can be so checky.... but that's why I love you." He then picks her up sliding his hands under her bum as he holds her lifting his head slightly up so he can still see her face. His hair just falling perfectly into place as he dose "God I need you. I need you more then you can ever no Cersei. I need to wake up to your beautiful face every morning. Rob gets to and he don't appreciate your ture beauty. It makes me so mad."  "He does not wake up to it.. I never let him." She rasped before leaning down to kiss him, grasping his shoulders as her hair framed their faces. Just them two in the world... she wished. "If you need me so much, show me how much." "of cou......." Before he can finish there is a knock at the door. He swears under his breath but still keeps a hold of her. He pushes a few things against the door so it can't be opened the carries her to the bed kissing her so needingly. Sitting on the bed so she's sat on his lap. "Let's just ingore that." He says it almost breathlessly coz he put so much into the kiss. "No one can spoill our moment." he says it pushing her face out her hair grabbing a clip of her bed side and quickly clipping it back so he can see her face.
"Jaime, we cannot... if they hear us.." she whispered only loud enough for him to hear, her breath escaping her as she clung to him at the sound of the knock. "I cannot risk anyone seeing you and I... if they make you leave, banish you... who knows what Robert will do." She retorted, shaking her head a little and looking down at him pleadingly. "Jaime.. I cannot risk losing you... we have to see who it is."
"I ent going no where Cersei. I can assure you." He looks to the door then to her. "farther wants me to marry but I only have eyes for you." He eyes her up slowly then flips her so she's layed on the bed and his sat lightly on top of her not putting to much weight on her not wanting to hurt her. "You can see who it is IF you can make it to the door." He says it so playfully a smirk slowly going across his face his eyes not leaving her. "I need you." he says once more. moving his head down so his for heads rested on hers.
"Jaime." She almost seethed, pretending to put up a fight as she shifted underneath him and tried to move her wrists, then her eyes caught his again. There was no use anyway. "Why must you always be so stubborn?" She whispered, shaking her head and closing the distance between them, lips moving against his own.  "Because I love you, because I want you! I don't fear people finding out. My love for you isn't a bad thing even if they would claim otherwise"
"We are not the Targaryens, Jaime.. this is not normal in Westeros.. not part of customs, we... we could not here.." she started against his lips, pulling her hand free from his grip to bring it up to his cheek to calm him. "We have to be the ones in power. It's the only way, here..."  "Well we will change the ways." He rests  his head into her hand. "I would rather die sword in hand fighting for you, fighting to have you as just mine then living a life where I can only see you when Robs out. It kills me inside seeing you by him..... kills me even more knowing your unhappy with him"   "Then make me happy. Right here, right now.. with you." She told him in a faint voice, keeping her eyes locked with his as she ran her thumb over his cheek softly, breathing against his lips. "But keep us quiet all the same.."   He kisses her very slowly lifting her dress so she can run his finger tips over her legs. Her skin so soft and smooth just as he remembered  "Your telling me to keep us quiet..... Your the noisy one" He says it with a slight laugh such humor and cheekiness in his eyes. As she makes him feel so alive, so happy. When his with her his just him. No kingslayer, no fighter nore Kings guard..... Just Jamie....  "Says you." She retorted, her voice easing off a little as she sighed against his lips at the feeling of his fingers running over her skin. "I am quite surprised either of us are still dressed.. anything slowing you down, my knight?"
"Just your beauty.... Look at you your stunning! It's not every day I get you to myself. I aim to make the most of it.... that and plus you slowed us down with your pointless knock at the door worry" He says it with a roll of his eyes because not much worries him.
"Shut up, and kiss me, Jaime." She groaned, moving then to tangle her hand into his hair, grasping it and moving so she could push him back onto the bed. Her body now straddling his hips, she grabbed the neck of his shirt to pull him up and kiss him deeply, passionately.. the taste of him lingering on her tongue, and she cherished it like no other. She began to move her hands to the coat, parting the lapels and pushing it over and off of his shoulders. The next thing to go was the frail  undershirt he wore, slipping it over his toned arms as her voice hitched in her throat when her fingers traced the curves of muscle and definition in his arms."look at you" He says pulling the rest of throwing it to the floor "you are far from lady like in the bedroom" he teases before lifting her dress, but making sure his hands touch every bit of flesh possible up the sides of her body then throws the dress onto the floor to, kissing her neck after. "How can Rob have a girl like you. Who looks as good as you and not worship the very ground you walk on" He says it his eyes not leaving her but instead looking over her body from head to toe again and again and again.
"I am still a lady.." she whispered in reply, moving in closer and moving her hands to the back of his neck to hold him there as he pressed his lips against her neck. She had to stifle a moan that form deep at the back of her throat. "He does not get to worship me, he will not worship me as long as I shall live. It is only you allowed.. just you." She rasped, pulling back the slightest to pull at the laces of her bodice, revealing more skin as she peeled away every part of the lace.
"and I will gladly worship you till the day I die" He says it his heart beating faster and faster, feeling just how he did  when they first slepted together smiling as he remembers how even then she made the first move even though it was clear they both craved each other. She always made him feel like the shy teenager he had once been when around her. then noticing a new bruse on her hip he scowls "Has he beat you again!" he demarned "Jaime, just.. please do not dwell upon this." She begged him immediately in response, bringing her hands to his cheek and pulling him close as she shook her head. The truth was, yes, Robert had beaten her again. "I do not want to talk about Robert, or the things he has done.. I do not choose him, I do not love him, I love my brother... I love my lover." She whispered against his lips, fingers stroking over his defined jawline as she stared at him. "Just you and me... please?"  "Just you and me" he repeated but clearly still angry. He moves his head from her neck kissing slowly down her body running his finger tips back and forth up her arms. He was gonna take his time. Show her what ture love felt like show her what she means to him. He did not care if rob came home early, he did not care if anyone knocked he wasn't opening that door for no one. Right now it was just him and Cersei in a world where they could be together. As he got to her hip to her bruise he sighed. looking at it it was fresh. Gently he planted a soft kiss on it stroking slowly and carefully around it as if that kiss and touch would make it fanish even though he knew it wouldn't.  "Jaime.." she whispered as his lips touched the bruise and her body shuddering at the feeling of his lips on her skin. He always managed to make her weak at his touch, little grazes and pressed of his lips on her skin made things all the better. She brought her hands down gently into his hair, tightening one hand gently and brushing her fingers against his scalp, through his longish hair slowly. "Thank you.." she spoke faintly. He lifted his head up just a tad so he could just see her. "Your welcome." He then looked back to the buirse and this time kissed around it. "I would do anything for you anything" he muttered kissing down the rest of her body to the top of her leg. Once more taking in ever part of her body, every moment they shared. He would never forget the moments he shares with her never. He wanted her to no it wasn't just for her looks her loved her, nore for her amazing body. He loved her for her. He loved everything about her .... everythink  "Yes.." she rasped, her head falling back as she bit down on her bottom lip to hold back a moan that would have escaped too loudly. His lips on her skin, just teasing her, was going to drive her absolutely mad, this she swore. "I need more, Jaime... please, I - I need more of you." She pleaded as her fingers loosened a little in his hair when he kissed his way down her legs. "More hey" he smirks "Not very often you hear you begging and pleading" He pauses for a moment " You look cute when your trying not to be to noisy" He runs his hand up her leg quick at 1st but getting slower the higher his hand gets Streaching his fingers out a bit more so they briefly touch between her legs before moving his hand away again just watching her as he did, because he did love to tease her and not give her things straight away. "Maybe I will make you wait a few minutes longer... for once I feel quite poweful" he says it with such amusement and jokingly because he would never hold such a thing as power over cersei he don't see him self as superior to her just equals.... just a normal couple ... "You should not test me at this moment, Jaime." She rasped, gripping his hair a little and pulling a little roughly as he just brushed his fingers over her skin, closer and closer to where she wanted him.  "why should I not. you look hot when your annoyed." He says it moving his hand even closer but moving it so slow all the same. "Jaime." She breathed, shuddering a little as she glared down at him for a moment and bit her lip. "Please... please, Jaime.. you said you needed me, then take me." He lifts her his had storking her face and he would of made her wait a bit longer but seeing her he couldn't. He couldn't wait no longer himself before he puts himself in. Moving quick but not in away that would hurt, pulling her as close as he possibly can needing to feel her closeness to feel her near him, and so use to them having to rush to only be a few seconds... minutes if they were lucky. He then also berries his nose into her hair to smell the rich smell of the shampoo she uses that's in her hair because everythink about her fanistantes him more then she could no or imangen. Even the little things
She moaned his name, bringing her legs up around his waist and pulling him in even closer. A faint gasp passed her lips when he finally pushed himself inside of her. She hooked her arms around his neck, hugging him closer to her body as raised her hips to his own to meet his thrusts. "Jaime." She whimpered in his ear, only loud enough for him to hear.   He turns his head so his kissing her check again and again and again. Each kiss quick his breath escaping quickly between each kiss till he moves his head so his lips are by her ear and then he whispers "Never leave me. Don't you ever!I would be no think without you" "Never.. stay." She rasped, her hand curling tight into his hair as she pulled him into a rough kiss, sighing softly and rocking her hips against his own. There was no way that she could leave, no way he could leave her. They were born together, and they would leave this world together.  "Do you ever want more kids? I no 3 is a lot already, but but I just what to no I like to no your thought on things" he says it moving her hands so he can hold them in his own "I would have to lay with Robert again... I do not know whether that is possible." She admitted, her breath catching in her throat as she curled her fingers with his own, hands clutching his as she stated up at him.
"His a drunk old fool couldn't you just tell him you slepted with him and he was to drink to no."  He says it breathing  heather make pure eye contect with her holding her hands tighter and tighter.  "Jaime, I -" she started before a moan was cutting her off when he hit a particularly sensitive spot as he thrust into her. Fuck, that felt good, and it had her so desperately close to giving into his desire. "I do not know if.. I can..... physically." he covers her mouth genety but not in a nasty way just to quiten her a little as he knows she will worry about being to loud. "well we better hope you don't fall pregnant now then hey...." He pauses for a moment " I clearly no how to make a baby other then that I'm none the wiser." He then moves his hand from her mouth running it all over her body quite roughly but not to rough that it will hurt getting so lost in the moment himself because it's been weeks since his been able to get this close to her other then in the tower which they were disturbed in
"I will think of something... it will be yours, not his. Robert will not cease to exist if another child comes into the picture." She rasped, her voice breaking occasionally as she leaned up then to press her lips hard against his own, rolling her hips up to his. "Please.." He grabs her by the hips pulling her more into himself moving a bit faster then rubbing her leg kissing it every so often. "You are mine..... and some day I won't have to share you with Rob I hate sharing. I want you all to myself like you where before he was ever in the picture" "Yes." She agreed, smiling slightly against his lips before letting out a lower moan as he moved. "I'm so close, Jaime... please.." she breathed, grinding up against him and crying out. Part of him wanted to pull out just for the pure fact he wanted to annoy her. God did she look hot when annoyed. But he couldn't. He had her. In this moment she was his. They where sharing such a beautiful moment one he would treasure forever. And he so wanted to give her what she was asking for... what she was pleading for. Then once  more he pulled her into himself by her hips but a bit rougher then he did before. he leans over slightly, putting his hands behind her back lifting her her up so her chest was touching his. The warmth of her chest felt so good on his. His breath hot and heavy as he kisses from her shoulder to her ear then whispers. "I don't want this to ever end. I like Being close .... I like being in you." He then grabs ahold of her hair because even though there connection is strong as it is some how it gets even stronger every time they sleep together and there always left needing, wanting more for they don't no when the next time will be.  She moaned out at the sensations, her breath catching in her throat as he pulled her up tight against his chest and pulled her hips in closer. Fuck, he only snuck deeper inside of her if that was even possible. She tightened her arms around his neck, clinging to him as they moved together, and it wasn't long before she was coming apart against him, clenching tight around his thick length as her orgasm washed over her.  She had to bite down on his shoulder in order to keep from making too much noise in the time, shuddering against his body as she let her eyes slip shut. He always managed to make her fall apart. "ouch" He says after shes bit into his shoulder. "You could of warned me what are you a vampire?"  he feels a bit of blood trickle down his arm as her bite was harder then she had intened Glancing to his shoulder then to her he mutters "couldn't you of reached for a pillow quickly instead of bitting me"  he says it reaching for a pillow but his hands pulled back by Cersei. His eyes then meets hers yet again "you are such a little devil in the bedroom, bite me again and I will have your face facing the wall" He can't help but smile at the shine in here eyes that's hardly ever there anymore since the day she married. "Stop it.. you like it. You have always liked it." She rasped, breathed heavily and smiling a little and leaning in to press her lips full against his. "No one will know it was me." She assured him, brushing her fingers over the bite mark now. "no one will Coz no one will see it" he gets shivers feeling her figures across the bite. Closing his eyes for a second  "Good." She rasped, her fingers moving from the mark to curl her arms around his body to hug him against her. "You have always been so loyal.. all the times you have had every right to leave my side, and you never do despite my relations."
"because I no you wouldn't be with them if you had a choice. I see other girls and there all ugly they can never match your beautiful or personality.... more satisfy me the way you do."  He says pining her wrists to the bed moving the fastest he can.
"That a promise?" She chuckled slightly, gasping a little when he moved only faster, and pinned her back into the feathery bed, legs hitching a little higher around his waist.  "It is"  He kisses her more and more "Your the only girl in this world for me" When done he moves away kissing all the way down her body breathlessly "Jaime.." she moaned, shuddering and bringing her hand down into his hair, guiding him further down as his kisses trailed lower.  "You enjoying this my love" He says it so meaningfully because he just wants to make her happy. "Yes.. I always do..." she rasped, laughing a little and shifting to watch him as he worked his way down her legs. "A little lower." She breathed, trailing off and curling her fingers through his hair.  he smirks. Then seeing how her heads lifted at a uncomfortable angle he picks her up putting her so her backs against the pillows and wall. "There that must be more comfy" he then pushes her left leg down kissing it all over the top before working working his way between her legs pushing her right leg down also as he  sees she's about to move it, then rubs his hand slowly across her belly at the same time  "Jaime." She whimpered, biting the inside of her lip hard to keep herself from being any louder when his head aas between her legs. A shudder coursed through her body as she shifted a little, canting her hips a bit up to his mouth the best she could with his hold on her. "Oh, Jaime.." He says note for a while. so busy contracting. then grabs the top of her legs pulling her more towards him. Then looks at her for a second. "we ent be able to do this for ages cersei, we always have to be so quick I never get time to appreactice you.... all of you."  He then stats getting slightly rougher feeling her body tensing and relaxing every so often "Makes it all the better... only being able to have you so much under our circumstances." She breathed, sighing shakily and gently bringing her other hand into his hair, fingers carding through it gently as she looked down at him. "Don't stop, please.." He shacks his head to say he Won't then after he wips his mouth on her leg then picks her up spinning so his layer down and she's sat on his chest. He rests his hands on her waist admiring her, "I don't want you to get dressed" he says it cheekily his heart still beating ten to the dozen. "I do not quite think I can walk around the castle like this, dear brother." She retorted, raising her eyebrow a little at him and chuckling as she shook her head in reference down to her naked body, glancing back up at him.  "Well I wouldn't complane" he lefts his head kissing her belly just needing that closeness. "I will be gone for a few days from tonight." He sighs "Your husband has me out on them stuiped demands of his. So while I'm gone be a good girl no getting your self in trouble" He jokes a little to then lightn the dull mood that shudder appeared because he can't bear to be away from her "Do not go... just stay." She told him quietly, looking at him and clearing her throat a little as she carded her fingers through his hair. "Not as though he cannot get anyone else to carry out his dirty work. I want you to stay here... with me." "I no you do but being kings guard I must. And I need to do my work well, you no farther wants me to leave marry have kids. I will not do that!" He demands. "I will instead dedicate myself to you, and to my work so he cannot complain!"  He looks right into her eyes. "Don't worry you no I'm the best swordman to ever live" He teases slipping the hand he uses to hold his sword between her legs. She gasped faintly, and god, every touch of his was especially getting to her right now. "I know you are.." she breathed, her eyes shutting for the briefest moment before opening them to look at him again. ".. do not get too cocky." She reminded him as she slowly brought her hand around his wrist, taking it gently and beginning to move his hand a little. His fingers slipped between her legs and pressed against her slit just right as she let out a faint moan as she guided his hand against her. "Could very well... get you... into... trouble one day." She breathed out as her voice hitched in her throat at the sensation. He slips two fingers inside her, being gentle then most imagine he would be. "Why can't I be cocky, no one can beat!..... no one" he says it smiling. "And you officely get the best swords man to your self." he grabs her right hand kissing it
"I won't yet"  Later that night as she's fast asleep her covers her up gently kissing her check and whispers "sleep well my love" before getting dressed and quietly leaving

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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