A Fresh Start

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You already know this but I'm Gona repeat myself. My name is Tomoki Sakurai, I live in the town of Sorami with Ikaros, Nymph, Astraea, and we just took in another little angeloid, Chaos. It's not just us though my next door neighbor, Sohara Mitsuki I've known my entire life. Not only is she good at being a great friend she can also deliver quite the Karate chop when I'm doing mischievous things. We also have the two closet lovers Sugata and Mikako. I love the peace and quiet more than anything but recently it's been anything but that. However after all this crap with the synapse it sure seems as though it's Gona return to peace and quiet. Well now that this stressful ass summer vacation is over it's time to get back to school.

"Tomoki! It's time to get up you lazy ass! Your Gona be late for the fist day of high school!" "Ughhhh Sohara really never quits does she.." Tomoki looked up and his eyes met with Ikaros's "Good morning master." She said. Tomoki sat up and looked around the room with a blanket still over his lap. "Have you been watching me all night?" He asked Ikaros. "Like I always tell you I cannot sleep so I watch over you to make sure your okay." She replied. "Oh yeah, that sucks for you." Shit!! Tomoki thought Sohara's Gona be pissed if I don't get dressed. He stood up quickly and the blanket slid off his lap. Ikaros looked down and blushed. "Hehe I guess this thing happens when you get older" Tomoki said realizing Ikaros was staring at. Her wings shot out full spread and she hopped up and ran into the hallway.

"TOMO!!!" Sohara yelled. "We're coming, were coming! Jeez.." Tomoki opened the door and him, Nymph, Astraea, Chaos, and Ikaros came walking out. "Awwwweee!! Look at you, Chaos!! You're too cute." Sohara said looking at little Chaos all dressed up in her little school uniform. "Thank you miss Sohara.." Chaos said shyly. "She's all ready for her fist day of elementary school!" Nymph said estatically. "Alright we're seriously going to be late if we don't get a move on." Sohara said. All of the group went to Sorami Elementary to drop off little Chaos on her first day of school. " Chaos, your name is now Sakuyra. It sounds much prettier and wasn't as creepy. Besides that's how Nymph put it in the system" Tomoki said as he kneeled down the her height to give her a hug. "Thank you mister!!" Sakuyra said as she lept into his arms. "Alright be good now little shrimp!" Tomoki said as the group started walking toward Sorami high. "Wow.." They all said as they saw how much bigger Sorami high was then the middle school. After waiting in a long line to get their schedules for the first semester the group walked over to the doors and went over what classes they all had together and where they were. "So first period I have only Nymph in History. In second I have Ikaros and Sohara in math. In third I have Astraea, Ikaros, Nymph, and Sohara in English. Last period I only have Sohara sadly in PE. BEEEEEEEEEEP " oh crap that's the bell I'll see y'all later!" Tomoki said as he and Nymph went off to History. "Bye Tomo!" Sohara yelled. "Bye master." Ikaros said kinda nervously. "See ya dummy!" Astraea shouted as she turned and headed towards special Ed math.

Man.. This is the life... Tomoki thought to himself. I love taking naps in class and staring blankly out the window. He turned to look at Nymph and see what she was up to. "Hey nym.." Tomoki started. She was either sleeping or looking so intensively out the window she didn't even hear him. Tomoki passed the fuck out. He woke up to see Hiyori a beautiful angeloid that he had kissed a little while ago when he thought she was going to die. "Hey there Tomoki." She said looking down at him. "Oh hey Hiyori." Tomoki said letting out a yawn. "Haha obviously you weren't paying any attention. Hey how about you come over my place later and I'll help you with the homework?" "Yeah sure that would be great" Tomoki replied. "Crap the class is over I'll see you later at my place, Byeeee!" Hiyori said as she ran out the room. "Haha, I had a great nap Nymph." Tomoki said but when he turned around she had already left. Huh he thought. That's weird of her to leave without saying anything. Tomoki stood up then went on to Math class.

The bell rang and Tomoki hadn't made it to class yet. Shit! Late on the first day. Tomoki thought as he raced through the hallway. Now I have to go get a stupid ass note. He walked to the attendance office and Inside there stood Hiyori. When Tomoki walked in she laughed kinda all embarrassed like. "I got a little lost haha." She said looking up at him. "Haha same." Tomoki responded. He got his note then walked into the hallway where Hiyori stood waiting for him. "I really don't want to go to class. Sohara will give me a chop for being late on the first day..." "Then don't." Hiyori said calmly. "What do you mean, like skip?" Tomoki asked. "Hells yea we can go to my house, I live alone. Nobody can bother us there." Hiyori answered blushing a little bit. Tomoki's nose started to bleed a little as he giggled. "Hehehehehehe..... Mmmkay-uh." Tomoki replied. They looked around the corner to make sure no teachers or administrators were looking and they took off down the street.

Hiyori had a very nice house. It smelled of fresh roses in new water. "I'll be right back, I'm a little hot." Hiyori said as she walked into her room. After a few minutes Tomoki got worried because it was taking so long. He walked over to her room and knocked on the door. It wasn't shut all the way so it slowly creaked open. There she sat on her bed wearing nothing but lace panties and a bra. "Ugughahahyya-h......." Tomoki mumbled as his nose started bleeding like crazy. "Come on over here Tomo.." Hiyori murmured. Tomoki slid his feet all the way over to her because he was just in awe. She stood up and grabbed him by his uniform collar and threw him down on her bed. Hiyori then jumped on his lap and started grinding up and down on him. Tomoki looked almost lifeless he was in a whole other dimension. Hiyori reached down and about ripped off his belt, then unbuttoned his pants. When she reached her hand in to grab his manhood, something weird happened. Tomoki thought about Ikaros. That's all he could think about. His fond memories of her and how she had said that she was in love with him. Just as Hiyori's hand wrapped around His dick Tomoki freaked out and rolled her off of him. "I'm sorry!.!.!.!" He kept saying as he was putting his pants back on. "I've got to get out of here.." Tomoki said as he walked out of her house.

"Well it's about time you got here mr. Sakurai." The professor said as Tomoki walked in all hot and sweaty from running all the way there. "Tomo, Where the fuck have you been!!" Sohara yelled at him furiously. "I've got to talk to you Sohara." Tomoki said while he was looking straight down at his desk. "Hmm?" Sohara kinda replied. Is he okay? She thought to herself. "What's wrong Tomo, where were you?" Sohara asked. "I was with Hiyori." He responded. "Omg where!" Sohara shouted. "We were at her house." Tomoki answered. "WHAT..DID YALL DID..you guys have se.." "Almost." Tomoki sharply cut her off. "I think I am truly in love with her." Tomoki stated. "Hiyori?!?" Sohara asked all puzzled."Ikaros.." Sohara's heart sank even deeper. That's why they didn't do it. She was thinking to herself. "Tomo....she she's in love with you ya know, it's obvious." Sohara said blankly. "Yes I know." Tomoki came back. "What are you Gona do then?" Sohara asked. "I don't know, should I ask her out?.?.?" Tomoki said all confused. "That's for you to figure out I guess.." The bell rang and Sohara left. Ikaros walked over to Tomoki. "Hello master." Ikaros said. "LETS GO OUT." Tomoki shouted.

Her cheeks grew rose red. Wings sprung out in full spread. "Master...Master I I uh.. I love you!!" Tomoki jumped up and placed his lips on hers. After a few seconds he pulled his head back. "I love you too Ikaros." He leaned back in to continue.

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