Chapter 2

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Shelly's POV

"Shelly! Dinner!" I heard my mom yelled from downstairs.

"I'm not hungry!" I yell.

"Come down!" My mom yelled.

Ugh. I say to myself. I got out of bed and walked down the stairs as slowly as I could.

I get downstairs to see my mom in the kitchen in front of the stove.

"Hello sweetie. Are you alright?" My mom asked.

"Yes." I say quietly sitting at the table.

My mom came to the table with a bowl of chicken soup and garlic bread.

"Your welcome." She rolled her eyes.

"Thanks." I say quietly again.

My mom sat at the table and put her food in front of her.

"So... I heard from Mrs Judy that Justin is going to KSU starting July 20th." My mom brought up. Mrs Judy is Justin's mom. More like step mom but she's a cool step mom. She's not one of those jackass step moms like the one in Cinderella.

"Yeah. I know." I look down at my soup.

"Look sweetie-" I stopped her before she could say this whole speech.

"Stop mom. Don't make this big speech for me to go to collage. I'm not going and there is nothing you can do to make me go." I say.

"I'm not trying to say you should go. But I am trying to say you could go with Justin. You'll have a friend. It will work out great!" She smiled.

"No! Stop mom. I'm not going to collage. That's final!" I yelled.

"Don't yell at me! If you yell at me one more time, then you will be in this house all summer and I will make you go to collage!" My mom yelled standing up from the chair looking down right at me pointing her finger in my face.

"Sorry. Geese." I roll my eyes.

"Go to your room! Bring our dinner with you and go to your room! Will see you in the morning." My mom walked off into the kitchen to clean the dishes.

I quickly got up from my chair and it fell on the floor and I got the bowl and plate and walked upstairs into my room and slammed the door with my foot and put my food down and plopped on my bed.

I put my face in my pillow and cried even more.

Then, I heard a buzz from my phone.

I got up from my bed and walked to my phone. I saw that I got a text from Justin.

Message: Justin (j) Shelly (S)
J: hey. R u mad at me?
S: and why would you think I'm mad at you?
J: idk. That's why I'm asking u. R u?
S: well, kinda
J: why??
S: because! We talked about the whole summer and how we are going to spend every bit of it together and teaching kids how to surf and now your going with your mom and going to collage! I'm so mad at u!
J: I'm sorry shel but I have to go. I think collage it more important that surfing. Don't u think?
S: I don't think! Surfing it way more important that collage. You get to feel the ocean breeze in your face and in ur hair. It's the best thing that can happen!
J: chill please. Just listen, u can call me, text me, face time be everyday! Let's thanks the internet and the phones the do all that. Thank god we aren't born in the 1920s 😂😂
S: stop kicking around Justin! I'm mad at u and I will never stop! But I gtg.
J: oh. Well okay. Bye.👋

I put my phone down and walked back over to my bed and ate my dinner and then I fell asleep when I was finished eating.


I got up after three more hours of sleeping and it was 10:30 at night.

I rubbed my eyes and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and washed my face and walked out to see my mom sitting on my bed.

"Mom! You scared me." I yelled.

"Oh. Sorry. I need to talk to you." She said.

"Okay? What about?" I asked.

"Your father." She had a serious tone.

"Dad? What about him? I though you guys are divorced." I say.

"Oh we are but I have some bad news. It's not good news at all." I saw some tears in her eyes.

"Mom. Your freaking me out. What is it? Is he coming to visit?" I asked.

"No." She stopped. "Your father..." She stopped again. "Your father died last night." She started to cry.

"What?! How?" I asked getting my eyes all watery.

"Car accident. He cause if because he was drunk." My mom rolled her eyes.

"So him being drunk isn't surprising?" I asked.

"Of course it's not. He's always drunk, even when we where married. He always told me that he's drunk when he's mad or sad or upset. So I guess he was just mad at the whole marriage." My mom said.

"Oh." I look down.

"Look. I know that you never got the chance to meet your father, but-" I stopped her.

"But I didn't want to. You said all these thing about him that was awful and I thought that he's a bad person." I say.

"He's not all bad. He might of smoke and drank only beer and stuff, but he's not all bad." My mom looked straight into my eyes while she said that.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. He might sound bad, but he's also loving and caring. He always called me to see if he can talk to you, but I said no. I didn't want him to hurt you or anything." She said.

"Oh." I look down at the floor again.

It was quiet for a minute.

"Anyway, you need to go to sleep. You have your last day of school tomorrow. I will see you in the morning." My mom got up from my bed and kissed me on my forehead and walked out of my room and closed the door behind her.

I got in my bed and looked up at the ceiling until I fell asleep.


Hey guys! I don't think this chapter was that interesting but I hope you guys enjoyed it. Comment if you need to say anything!👇


The girl who loves to surf (soul surfer fanfic and also a Justin Bieber fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now