Table of Contents

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The song is completed unrelated, but it's beautiful.



Harry Potter:

-Taming the Dragon [ Charlie Weasley x OC ] - A short tale of Charlie's reunion with Shanna, a shy girl from his days at Hogwarts who always had a special effect on him.

-The Striped T-Shirt [ Dean Thomas x Seamus Finnegan ] - The result of finding a ship I didn't know was a thing and wondering how it would come about. Snippets of drabble of a sweet little love story.


How to Request:

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Who It's About: 

Basic Plot Idea: 

Main Character: 

If there's outside information, let me know. If I don't know the character/world, I'll let you know; you can either message me with more info or send in another request. 


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy!

Hot Chocolate & Marshmallows: A One-Shot CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now