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Still Mrs. Katie
We realized that Billy had no idea that all the flair girls turned on Annie
, Katie and Hayley. So he probably let Sydney into Annie's room and stole them and stood  her up. Brennan and Caleb got out of bed and ran after the girls they came back with Annie's crutches and all the girls so we see Arden and Billy disappear and then they come back.
Arden tells me their plan so we need to take action quick. Our plan is to stop Mia from trying to kill Caleb and Hayley so then they want to kidnap everyone else so then we will have Arden call the cops and this will be over.

Tonight everything is going down so I call the cops well I call my brother then I go with Liv to get the parents and everyone else we get everyone to Mia's house and then Mia shows up with everyone and the cops come just in time they arrest Mia,Liv,and Sydney and we all go back to the hotel and we fly back to Maryland. But the down side is the girls are flying back with us!

Next chapter will be out soon 😉☘

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