Ch. 12

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A few weeks ago, Candice was able to get into the title shot by taking out my friend Mickie. But, she got herself in a mess. I mean she is going against my best friend at Vengeance, tonight. And Lita would give her everything she has. Lita is also filled with frustration. So hopefully by the end of the night, we will have a great champion.


I was seated backstage. Tonight is the night where I become the new WWE Women's Champion here at Vengeance. Lacing up my boots, the Hardy Boyz walked in. "Hey boys." I greeted with a smile. "Hey Li." Jeff smiled back. "Hey Ames. We're just stopping by to wish you good luck on your match tonight." Matt said kissing my head. "Yeah, but we already know that you'll be champion for sure. There's nothing that you can't do."

I nodded. "Thanks guys. I'm ready for this match. And I'm ready to get my hands on Candice, no offense Jeff, but I really hate her." The younger Hardy nodded. "Well we'll see you afterwards, and we'll see that championship with the right owner." Matt said and pulled his brother out. I shook my head and prepared for my upcoming match.

"This is scheduled for one fall and it's for the Women's Championship. Introducing first, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Candice Michelle!"

As she made her way to the ring, you could hear some cheers, but many were booing her. She, of course, had her wand, but she came out with Victoria. I jumped a little and rolled my neck waiting for my theme to hit.

As my music hit, the arena buster into cheers. "And her opponent, from Atlanta, Georgia, Lita!"

I made my way to the ring getting all pumped up. Once I slid into the ring, Candice rolled out. I watched her and then went to the turnbuckle. When I got down, the ref raised the belt before ringing the bell as Candice slid back into the ring. The two of us went at each other with me getting the first hit.

Normal P.O.V-

Once the bell rang, declaring the winner, the ref lifted Lita's arm. "Here is your winner, and new WWE Women's Champion, Lita!" Lillian Garcia called as the crowd erupted with cheers as the red head was given the title. She went to the turnbuckle and raised the belt up. Candice then took advantage and powerbombed Lita to the mat.

Lita held onto her neck. "This isn't over! That title will be mine!" Candice yelled at Lita as she picked her up. She got her in the position for her Candywrapper. The maneuver connected.

The arena was now filled with boos towards Candice as she picked up the belt and raised it. Candice put it down and slid out of the ring and went backstage.


Once I was backstage, I saw the Hardy Boyz. Better make something up to make it look like I didn't mean to hit their friend.

Walking by them, their attention was on me. "Hi there." I greeted. "What was that for?" Matt asked with anger. "Please tell me that wasn't intentional." Jeff, on the other hand, was calm when he said that. I shook my head. "It wasn't intentional. It was scripted. Lita doesn't know. Vince told me at the last moment." I explained.

The two looked at each other then me and nodded. "Alright." Matt said with a sigh of relief. He then left to go find his girlfriend. I looked up at the younger Hardy. He looked back at me and smiled a little. "You put on good match out there, even if the ending wasn't in your favor." Jeff stated. I nodded and shrugged. "Yeah, but I'll get the title one day. It's just a matter of time."


After watching what happened during the match, I was cheering when Lita hit Candice with the Reverse Twist of Fate and then a moonsault for the win. I was so happy for her right now. She became Champion AND defeated Candice in the process.

My happiness then disappeared when Candice attacked Lita from behind. I looked down at my ankle. If I was better and healed, I could of...hell, I would of done something. Only time will tell when I get cleared to get back into that ring. Candice, you better be ready. Because real soon, I'll be coming for you.

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