Dresses and Power

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I wake up in Emric's bed. I'm pretty sure it hasn't been that long since... I gag and puke on his floor. He's beside me in an instant. He rubs my back as I puke. I look up at him. I can't read his face. "Are you mad at me?" I whisper past the bile paste in my mouth, the burning in my throat.

His face softens. "I'm not if you have good reason..." he looks away. I note that his eyes carefully avoid the spot where Malvin's body lay once upon a time. "Take a shower first. His... blood," he swallows. "Is all over you. Please." I get up and find my way to his bathroom.

I shower and find that there's a dress on a counter. I put it on. So regal. It looks amazing. I laugh, the calm myself. I walk out. Emric gapes, then sighs. "I don't think you get it, Valeska..."


He sighs, offering a short laugh. "The power you have over me." I'm about to say something, but I shut my mouth. He continues, "you just killed my brother. I'm not saying it was without reason, I believe you had one, but even now I can't help but adore every inch of you. I am itching to just have you as mine. But in less that three months," he pauses, taking a shaky breath, "I won't even care. I'll just be with you, you with me." He gestures to the bed beside him. I sit. "Explain. Please."

I nod. "He came into the room, while I was asleep, and brought me food. I started to eat when I woke up, but spat it out, I don't know why, when I found out he gave it to me. He was in the room. I asked what he wanted. He said me. He walked over and grabbed my wrists, dragging me from bed. He squished me into him, then held me by my shoulders on the wall." I roll my shoulders, realizing they hurt a little. "He told me about how he had his procedure but it didn't work. Said he was telling me because I was about to die." I look at Emric.

"And...?" He asks.

"He choked me. He was too busy looking into my eyes to notice I'd reached for the knife I'd just remembered I had. I," I choke. "I stabbed him." I puke, careful to miss the dress. Emric has a warm wet towel in seconds, wiping my face then the floor. He sits and leans me against him. I do.

"That is a pretty legitimate reason," he whispers. He kisses my forehead. "But, I can't promise my father will understand. He's angry. Celeste didn't care. She's not royal. She's been set out into the complete city."

"And you?" I whisper.

"I am supposed to be King in three years." He stares at the wall across the room. I cough. I'm supposed to be Queen in three years. He stands and begins to pace. "I'll bring father here. He'll understand somehow. I'll explain it," he mumbles. He's scared of his father. I stand and force him to stop pacing and look me in the eye.

"I killed him. I'll explain it. I did it. Okay?" He nods. I hug him, and let him go.

A few minutes later, a very angry looking Allister bursts into the room. Emric follows silently. "You'd better have a pretty good explanation, little girl," he says, voice shaking with anger.

So, I set off into my tale again. Leaving out nothing.

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