Chapter Nine-Scared

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I look at Niall as he plays monopoly with the three kids,there's been something on his mind and I know exactly what it is,I giggle as Logan falls to the floor "tough luck lo"Niall laughs,Ella and Jace in hysterics as Logan pass him the fake money

I feel a tap on my shoulder making me jump "hi sorry to scare you"Leigh says as I turn round "it's okay"I mumble giggling a little "come with me"she says I nod she grabs my wrist and drags me to the front door and then into her car

"Leigh Anne where are we going?"I ask she just looks at me as she starts to drive "Leigh I look horrible"I groan looking down at my outfit "don't worry"she says

She soon parks "put your hood up and put these on"she says handing me sunglasses,she then drags me out of the car and into a little cafe,we go to the corner and sitting there is Perrie and Jesy sitting there,four cups on the table "sit down"Leigh says I nod and do as I'm told

I take off the sunglasses and put down my hood and slightly smile at the three girls who are all giving me confused/angry looks "let's talk your relationship"Perrie says I look straight into her blue eyes which are more worried than the other two

"Have you fell out of love with Niall?"Leigh asks the angriness fading away I look at the three tears forming in my eyes like they have the last few days "I don't know but I'm scared I have"I tell them Leigh wrapping her arms around me as the tears finally fall

"Oh Jade"Jesy sighs standing up and wrapping her arms around me from the back Perrie joins at my right and we all just stand/sit there for a good five minutes

I turn my head seeing Jade being dragged by Leigh Anne the front door then slamming shut I sigh and turn back to my three kids,I think the thing I'm most worried about in our current situation is them

"Daddy ont wanna play"Jace moans standing up and sitting down on my knee "me neither"Ella says putting down her stuff "thank god"I mumble,to be honest I hate monopoly it's the most boring thing in the world,I'm just trying to spend as much time as I can with them

"Can we watch a movie?"Logan asks I nod "you three go pick one and I'll tidy this up"I tell them they all nod and run off,I sigh tidying the game up "no let's watch this"Logan says as he holds up a DVD "no this"Ella exclaims holding up another and Jace just standing in the middle his head moving every second to look at them both

I walk over looking at the two dvds,the secret life of pets or Cinderella "what one do you wanna watch Jace?"I ask I'm so glad we have Jace he resolves everything he looks at Ella and then looks at Logan "lo's"he exclaims I nod Ella pouting and Logan high fiving Jace "sorry babs"I smile

I put in the DVD while they all go over to the couch I sit down next to Ella who just cuddles into me wrapping her arms around me as much as she can I look down as she looks up tears filling her tiny eyes I sigh stroking her hair

I know this could be the end but I really hope it isn't

I know this could be the end but I really hope it isn't

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The end is just the new beginning

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