He spent the rest of the night thinking about her soft hand on his face.


Theon's fantasy ended quickly when Ramsay came back in. As he routinely did, he brought with him an extravagant breakfast. Theon knew it was more torture. He did it on purpose just so he could watch Theon stare longingly at his food. It was worse though once the last few bites were on his plate. That's when Ramsay would be done eating...

Theon's ring finger dripped blood onto the floor. His hand was so mangled that Theon didn't even recognize it as his hand anymore. Ramsay took it upon himself to flay his next finger. 

Ramsay had laughed as he told him he was going to flay each finger on his hand. Theon could still hear an echo of his voice in his ears.

The hours passed not so excruciatingly this time. This time he didn't feel the need to cry. He finally had a sliver of hope. All he could hope was that she would return again tonight.

This time he looked up at every sound, hoping that it was her returning. He knew he had been there for a long time. He couldn't never tell if it was close to morning or not. He knew if he heard footsteps and the door open that he shouldn't get his hopes too high. He never knew if it could be her or if it was Ramsay returning again in the morning. He barely heard some steps against the stone floor. Theon looked up to the door. He prayed and pleaded to any god or gods that it was her.

If only it was. Theon hung his head again. He felt like he wanted to cry, but he didn't care anymore. All he really wanted was to die. He didn't want to hope anymore. Ramsay was right. He wanted to beg Ramsay to make it end.

Ramsay finally left. This time Ramsay started to flay his middle finger on his hand. The entire time, Theon tried not to think about Ramsay slicing his finger, all he thought about was her soft hand. He wanted Ramsay to kill him then, and he could have that one thought as he passed. He wouldn't have thought about why this was done to him or what he did to deserve it. He would have passed away with one happy thought. That sounded like a good enough death for him now. Although, he knew that when Ramsay actually decided to kill him, it wouldn't be anything like that.

This time Theon tried not to have any hope, but it always pushed itself back into his mind. He longed for her to return. He might not be able to last any longer. He heard sounds, but he didn't look up. He couldn't have hope tonight. Otherwise, he'd completely lose his spirit if he was crushed just as hard as last time.

Theon couldn't bear to look when he heard more dreaded footsteps. It was Ramsay. It had to be, Theon thought. The gods have never had mercy on him. Why should they start?

The door opened, and Theon prepared himself mentally to stare at Ramsay's extravagant breakfast meal. He looked up to be able to see the food, even though he tortured himself by doing so.

Somehow, it wasn't Ramsay. Theon felt a wave of relief go over him. She held a cup of water and a piece of stale bread. He let out a small smile. He didn't remember the last time he had felt any kind of relief. He couldn't wait for the taste of the bread and refreshing coolness of water. She brought it to him, and he finished in mere seconds.

After he finished eating he finally spoke. "Thank you for coming back." He looked at her beautiful blue eyes.

"Listen to me," She gave him a very serious look, "I'm going to get you out of here."

Theon shook his head. It had to be a trick. How did he not see it so obviously. Why else would she have come? Ramsay probably thought it would of been hilarious to have him be tricked by the same thing twice.

"This is a trick." He said angrily, "I won't fall for it again!"

"Theon, please." She said softly. Her voice calmed him even though he didn't want it to.

"I know there's no way for me to really prove that this is not a trick and I know you can't trust anyone. But I promise you," She looked directly into his eyes, "I'm not lying to you. I swear it on my life."

Theon didn't know what to think. She seemed very genuine, but he didn't want to believe her. He would he ever forgive himself if he was fool enough to fall for the same trick twice.

"What can I do for me to prove it to you?" She asked.

"Why am I here?" Theon asked.

She paused for a moment, "Ramsay Snow is the bastard son of Lord Roose Bolton. He was sent to Winterfell to take it back for the Starks, but they betrayed Robb Stark. Torched Winter fell-"

"Betrayed Robb?" Theon interrupted. A lump gathered in his throat. He wasn't sure if he was ready for the answer.

Thick silence filled the air. She took a deep breath and looked into his eyes, "He's dead. Walder Frey and Roose Bolton."

"They killed them all."

Theon hung his head. He couldn't even cry. Everything was so terrible for him that adding on Robb Stark's death just made it more terrible.

"I'm sorry." She said quietly.

Theon stared at the ground but he heard her footsteps start to lead to the door. "No, please. Don't leave me." Theon said. He had to find out if it was a trick or not. How stupid would it be to miss his one chance of escaping if it wasn't a trick. She turned around and looked at him.

"Please you have to get me out of here." He pleaded.

She turned back around to him. "I will come back for you. I swear it." She said, "But I'm sorry. It can't be tonight." She turned and left again.

This time Theon didn't say anything as she left, even though he wanted to.

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