We walked up stair and his mouth flew open, Layla set up the stuff I bought him nicely on his bed.

We walked up stair and his mouth flew open, Layla set up the stuff I bought him nicely on his bed

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He pecked my lips and hugged me tight.

"I know exactly what your thinking, and I'll be fine with Netflixing with out the chill" he whispered as he hugged me tight, he made me smile

"Maybe a little chill" I laughed

We walked little man for the sake of things till I dozed off into a deep sleep.

-------- --------
*1 week later*

"She's at the terrible two's age" Me Me whispered

"I got this I'm a teen dad and my baby is three" I said shooing her comment off "Nina babygirl time to wake up you got dance in a hour" I said soothing her and tickling her little armpits

"No daddy Teo" she said eyeing me down before saying anything

"Okay then we'll just have to take you out of dance then" I smiled knowing she would freak out

Her temper tantrums were far more worse now that we knew she had ADHD and we had no choice but to put up with it. It was no joke raising her with the situation but she made it up by being hilarious and dancing on the team.

"Mummmmmm" she said getting out of the bed bouncing on the floor and crying.

"Baby he was just kidding" Ny'Ome said grabbing her arms and stopping her from jumping

She stopped and smirked at me, she looked almost evil. Before i knew she slapped my leg hard and ran. I went chased her but ny'ome grabbed my arm, she  was about to laugh at the fact that i got hit by a three year old

"Bae just breathe and image how she feels with all them emotions running through her and having her ADHD"she said soothing me "she's three"

She decided not to put her on medication. Nina was acting faint and was sleepy all the time when she had toke them. Now she was getting better and calm it switched day in and day out. Today was a good day believe it or not.

"One..... Two........ Three..." I counted, she pecked my lips and smiled

"That's my baby" she smirked walking down the stairs

Don't get me wrong I love my baby girl and my only child but she was getting spoiled.

I made my way to the kitchen, noticing we were dressed all nice except Nina who is still in her froggy night gown.

"Dada, Nina sorry" Nina said in third person hugging my legs

"Are you sorry or Nina" I chucked picking her up

"Same person dad, we're both sorry" she smiled kissing my check

"Never hit me again or imma spank that little butt" I laughed, she nodded

Ny'ome toke her upstairs after she ate her coco puffs, leaving me downstairs to watch tv.

N Y ' O M E

I tamed Nina's hair the best I could since she wouldn't let me wash in or brush it.

"Oww mum that hurts" Nina said grabbing the sides of her head

I ignored her comment and admired her red dance tutu and applied some pink lip stick that all the girls wore on the team. Personally her being years of age away from the other girls, she should wear makeup or lipstick.

"alright na tinka" I cooed at her, she did a turl

"I'm gonna show daddy" she yelled running to the stairs

I followers behind her with the golden shoes she wanted and I told Mateo specificly not to buy.

He told her how pretty she looked and told us it was time to go. He made it his business to grab some sweats.

"Pose fa ge ge baby" she said taking off my phone and stopping her in the driveway

Mateo help her with her shoes and she did a pose holding her knees. Mateo tried to make her smile but he only failed and made her look at him. My baby so serious

 My baby so serious

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Dance show today
Lol, She said she was bout to rock the stage up.

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