I Gave You All

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Abby and Patty looked to each other with looks of surprise across their faces.

" After the physical encounter, did you two proceed downstairs and continue to argue?" Questioned the police officer.

" Not exactly. We didn't talk to each other for more than an hour. Jillian was downstairs getting coffee, and I had walked downstairs not knowing she was there. When I walked into the kitchen, I saw her. She said something in a sarcastic tone, which I didn't take well. I started to argue, which from there, our hour long argument began. " Erin could feel tears start to fall down her cheeks and hit her forearms. She closed her eyes for a moment.

" When the argument was over, did Jillian run out of the fire house? And is that when she was wounded?" The police officer now in a solemn mood, did not continue to make eye contact with the hurt and broken Erin.

" Yes. I'm sorry, can we almost be done now. This is so much to handle."

The police officer nodded and picked up his notes. He looked to Abby and asked her to meet him outside.

" You see, when this all passes over, I am going to have to question your friend some more. She sounds like the instigator of this event. I want to make sure she did not, you know, shoot Holtzmann. "

Abby quickly replied," I can for sure tell you she did not shoot Holtzmann, officer."

" Well, she may not have exactly shot her. She could have contacted someone to take care of it. You know, have someone else do the dirty work. "

" She will come in for more questioning, but I know for sure she did not hire someone to kill Jillian. She wouldn't do that. Contact me when she needs to come in." With that closing statement, the police officer left in his squad car and Abby went back in the hospital to sit with Erin and Patty.

" Erin, in a few days you will have to go back to the police station for more questioning. " Said Abby in a quiet tone.

" I thought we were done with that. " Responded Erin.

" Well, this for the good of Jillian." Abby was lying through her teeth, this was not for the good of Jillian. This was for the worst for both of them.

" Okay. I guess."

For the next hour the three sat in silence in the waiting room. Patty and Abby decided to head down to the cafeteria to get a bag of chips and candy. Erin still decided to wait. As Erin is alone, she can't happen to think of all Holtzmann has done for her and what she has done for Holtzmann. Under Erin's breath, she murmurs," I gave you all. I gave you all Jillian. God dammit. Why did you have to run out of the station. I fucking gave you all. " As she looks up, more tears begin to run down her cheeks and her face turns a dark, rosy pink. She wipes away the tears onto her forearm. She silently cries for ten minutes. When she is done, Abby and Patty come back. They both look to Erin and noticed she had been crying.

Patty sat down next to Erin and said," Hey, Erin. Don't be so sad. This is life. We will see her again either on Earth or somewhere else. "

" Patty, I'm not crying over that. I'm want to know what I did wrong. I have given Holtzmann so much of myself and things. I have helped her on her projects and have encouraged her to proceed making her crazy inventions. I want to know why after all of that, she gets up and leaves. " Erin put her head into her hands and begins to cry. " Wait, did you just say ' we will see her again either on Earth or somewhere else. Oh my god. Jillian once said that to me. The day Abby came around to accepting our relationship. Oh my god. Oh my god! When she said that I thought she meant in person. She meant either way, here on Earth or in the after life. Oh my god no!" Erin began to sob out loud. The loudest crying session of the night.

Abby puts her right arm around Erin's shoulder and pulls her in for a hug. " Erin, don't be so down. This happened and we are going to have to muscle through it, okay? Please, don't be so sad. "

" Abby, I can't. I loved her! I loved her with all my heart! It went wrong all so quickly and now I feel like this is my fault. I can't just muscle through this. This is not supposed to be how it ends. We were supposed to be together forever. All of us were supposed to work together for many more years to come. But now what? What if she doesn't make it through? Everything will be ruined. And if she does? She certainly isn't going to want to talk to me. I screwed up Abby!" After Erin had just shouted all her feelings to Abby, the various people waiting in the room began to stare.

" Erin, people are staring. You need to calm down." Said Patty.

" No! I do not need to fucking calm down. Okay! This is the worst thing to ever happen in my life. More worse than my parents saying they didn't love me after I came out. This is worse!" Erin began to shake.

" Erin, I think you need rest. Let me go get a pillow and blanket. Go lay down over there on the floor. " Abby got up and went to go get a pillow and blanket.

When Abby returned, she moved the crying and broken Erin over to a corner. " Go to sleep, okay?"

" Fine." Erin replied. Erin placed her head on the soft, white pillow and pulled the tiny blanket up to her ears. She closed her eyes and drifted off into a calm and short nap.

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