“Hell no! Then I’ll be naked!”

“Jayden it really doesn’t matter. You’ll be naked a lot of the time at the house anyways.”

I stared at him in shock. I’m not walking around some creeper’s house naked! He cut my pants and shirt off. I looked out the window at the unfamiliar land. It was just rolling hills of grass. I leaned my head against the car seat and sighed. I felt tears run down my face. My dad is dead. My daddy! He was all I had! My mom sees me as the mistake she couldn’t get rid of.

I’m all alone. I don’t know these people or where I am. The man sat next to me and petted my head. He looked to be around his late 20’s. His eyes were a soft green and he had nice honey brown hair. Overall he looked nice enough. We might have even been friends if… ya’ know… he didn’t kill my dad! I leaned into his hand and sighed.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“My name’s Marcus.” He said with a smile.

“Who is the Boss?”

“He takes care of things people want taken care of. Your father had a problem and he solved it. The payment was you, but your dad didn’t want to give you up.”

I looked down at my hands and saw some of my dad’s blood under my nails.

“What do I have that the boss is interested in?” I asked.

“Nothing. He just wants a kid he can baby. Your father needed something done, but he had nothing other than you that boss wanted.” Marcus explained.

“When are we gonna get to him?”

“In about 30 minutes. Oh and you better get used to being treated like a toddler.”

I nodded and shifted in the seat. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

“What do you mean by toddler?”

“Well you will be treated like a child. You’ll be in a car seat whenever we go somewhere in a car. You’ll have a babysitter when the boss is gone. You will be the boss’s kid pretty much.”

“But I’m 17! I’m not a baby!”

“I know but that’s what the boss wants. Never say no to the boss.”

I felt the car turn right and looked out the window. A big mansion came into view. The car drove into a parking garage. Marcus unclipped the buckles on the car seat and helped me out. He grabbed my hand tightly as we walked. I saw guards placed at the door. Marcus walked past them and into a hallway. We came to another set of guards and Marcus pulled out an ID. One guard looked at it then let us through.

“Marcus, I’m still naked…”

“I know Jayden. We’re going to get your clothes now.”

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