~'~'~'~' After Practice ~'~'~'~'

After 7 LONG HOURS of working my ass off at practice , I was pacing around in the schools parking lot . Everyone else got to go home at 6 and I had to stay all the way until 10 pm fucking swimming my ass off ! The coach made me stay 4 hours longer because I was 10 minutes late for practice . He tells me that I have too much potential to be late and If I want to make it into the college of my dreams , I shouldn't lack . But how the fuck am I supposed to get home ? My body aches and my feet feel like their going to fall of . I texted Sawyer and asked him to pick me up but he's still angry at me .

'' Shit ! '' I cursed out loud , becoming impatient . FUCK IT , I'll just walk . I started walking toward the road and I realized that If I walked it would take about 25 minutes and that's too long of a walk . I have to be home in time to tuck my little sister in and do my homework . I frantically looked around and I noticed the woods . If I walked through the woods , I would be home In under 12 minutes .

Really Victoria ? Your an idiot ! Who walks through the wood at 10:12 at night ? Are you begging to be murdered or something ? My inner voice screamed at me .

I'm an athlete , I can run fast enough . After I boosted my confidence and got rid of my fears and I started sprinting through the woods like a maniac . I was getting hit in the face with bushes and branches but I wouldn't dare stop . I was afraid that big foot would freaking chew off my head or something if I stopped . All of a sudden I heard a scream which immediately caused me to stop in my tracks .

I was breathing heavily and sweat was dripping down my face . That voice .... sounded familiar ...

'' VICTORIA HELP ! '' a girl yelled , from a distance in the woods . My heart sunk in my chest when I realized the voice belonged to my best friend Freya . Freya didn't come to school today and I found it a bit strange that she didn't show up because she would of told me if she wasn't coming .

This has got to be a joke !

'' F-f-Freya ? '' I shouted back . I turned around but I saw nothing ..nothing at all . My breathing picked up when I realized .. Its dark and I'm alone in the woods and my best friend might be in trouble . I could feel myself holding back the tears , I was looking around trying to find Freya but I couldn't . The wind was blowing my damped hair all over the place , which made me shiver . I'm too much of a fucking baby because I could feel myself on the verge of tears .

'' Freya this isn't funny ! You know I hate when you try and scare me ! '' I yelled , picking up a large stick off the ground . I'm a big ass scaredy cat but If someone try's to attack me , I won't go down with out a fight .

'' Tori run .. '' I heard Freya cry out from behind . I snapped my head toward Freya and that's when I saw her standing their with tears pouring down her face . Her body was shaking violently and I could see the fear in her big grey eyes . I stared at her in utter confusion but I didn't say anything right away . I could feel eyes on me ...Like I was begin watched . Freya stood there having a staring contest with me until I finally spoke .

'' Freya I don't understand ... what's wrong ? '' I questioned , taking a couple step toward her . All of a sudden a man with a ski mask came up behind Freya holding a gun to her head . A gasp escaped my lips and I felt myself hyperventilating in all kinds of emotions . Freya stood still , fighting back her screams and cry's .

''Freya ! '' I tried to run toward her but someone restrained me . I felt a hard arm wrapped around my neck and my stomach . I fought as hard as I could but he was too strong . I yelled as loud as I could , in hopes someone would save us from this nightmare . The man forcefully knocked Freya to the ground , causing her to hit her knees on the cold wet mud .

'' STOP ! '' I cried out , feeling the fear paralyze my body . The man who was holding the gun pointed it directly at the back of Freya's hand .

'' If you scream or try to get away .... I'll spatter your best friends brains all over the ground . '' The man chuckled and cocked the gun . His voice was deep and scary , it made my skin crawl . His piercing green eyes bored into mine . The other man who was holding me back , tightened his grip on me . I heard Freya silent cry's but I couldn't see her face because she had in buried into the ground .

'' Why are you doing this .. '' I asked through gritted teeth .

'' You'll find out soon enough .. '' The man with the green eyes spoke ... his voice cold and husky like I had deceived him .

All of a sudden Freya lifted her head in looked at me with pained eyes . She's my best friend / my sister and I love her more than anything , I hated to see her like this .

'' RUN '' She mouthed to me , with a look of determination in her eyes . My stomach knotted up and my spit got caught in my throat . DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID FREYA , DONT !

She kicked the man with the gun in the knee and he fell to the ground . The another man who was holding me loosened his grip and I elbowed him right in the face . I ran over toward Freya and grabbed her hand . We started to run as fast as we could ...until it happened . A shot was fired and Freya stopped in her tracks .

'' We got to keep moving , Freya COME ON ! '' I commanded , squeezing her hand . Freya looked at me and then fell to the ground . My breath was took away when I realized she had been shot in the head . She feel to her knee's and her face made contact with the ground . Her lifeless body fell before me eyes . My heart broke inside of my chest as I held my hands up to my mouth . The green eyed man ran over toward me and grabbed my forearm .

'' I told you NOT to make any moves . '' He shouted angrily at me , gripping my arm so tight that I could feel the blood rushing to that one place . The other man stood there in the spot that I left him and looked at Freya's body in shock . I made eye contact with him and I could tell he was sickened by seeing a dead body . His electric blue eyes meet my gaze and he looked sorry for me . He only broke eye contact when he turned around and threw up . I turned my eyes toward Freya and my heart broke all over again . It was then when the shocked wore off and I fell to the ground crying my eyes out .

'' WHY ? WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO HER ? YOU FUCKING SICK BASTARDS !!!! WHY WOULD YOU SHOOT HER ?! " I hollered at them , my hand lying on Freya's back .

'' Scott GET HER IN THE VAN !! NOW ! '' The green eyed man demanded the blued eyed man who name was 'Scott ' so I'm guessing .

My bestfriend just got shot before my eyes and I'm begin kidnapped .... Oh god no !

Kidnapped and Broken {Wattys2015}Where stories live. Discover now