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** Before you read this book, I want to warn you about a few things. I wrote this story a little over two years ago, so the writing is really amateur. There are a lot of grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and the plot is just pathetic. I'm currently in the process of re-writing this whole entire book, so you should definitely go check out the revised version on my profile which is called 'Deranged'. The second draft is way much better, and everything has already been edited.

My writing should not be judged or criticized by this version of Kidnapped and Broken (You have been warned.) If you're smart, you'll read the revised version instead.**

CHAPTER 1 : Kidnapped

The bell rung and literally everyone in the classroom immediately fled their seats. I shook my head in amusement and started to pack up my books and papers . I fixed everything neatly inside of my backpack before throwing it over my shoulder .

'' Ms. Dawn '' The teacher called after me , right before I was about to exit the class .

'' Yes? '' I turned around to face my history teacher .

'' I have graded your history project and I must say you did exceptionally well considering you never really come to class . '' He smiled and handed me my paper .

I almost had a heart attack when I looked down at my grade , 105% ?! The gods have came down from the heavens and blessed my soul . Okay , so I overexerted a little ! The reason I'm so shocked is because I really haven't been able to come to class because of my Soccer and swimming practices . It's hard to believe but I send more time at practices then I send actually learning in my classes .

'' Thank you so much ! '' I squealed , with a wide grin spread across my face . After thanking my history teacher about 80 more times , I finally left the class room . While every other student was rushing out of the doors and going home , I still had to stay and go to swim practice . UGH Fuck my Life .

'' Hey Tori ! Congratulations on your win ! '' a random girl congratulated me , as I was speed walking toward the gymnasium .

'' Thank you ! '' I shouted back , not even bothering to look at her . You can't be late for Practice , Victoria !

'' Tori ! '' I heard somebody yelling from behind . Everyone's be coming up to me and congratulating me for winning one of the most intense soccer games ever . I put on my best fake smiles and turned to face the person . My smile immediately turned genuine when I spotted my boyfriend Sawyer . He almost crashed into me but luckily he stopped himself in time . Sawyer and I been dating for 5 months now and my hearts been broken by him multiple times . He cheated on me one time but I stupidly took him back because I'm Victoria Dawn . I believe in changing the players , stupid right ? Don't judge me . I used to love Sawyer with everything I had , but now I'm only in a relationship with him to please my parents . Sawyer's family is really successful .

'' You need a ride home ? '' He asked , flipping his blonde hair out of his face .

'' Sorry Sawyer , I have swim practice . '' I stated , not meeting his gaze .

His shoulders slouched in disappointment and his cheeky grin dropped immediately , '' How about I come in get you after practice ? We can go to my house ...and you know ....Study . '' He asked hopefully , sending me a few smirks .

Studying means having sex in Sawyers dictionary . That's one of the reasons I can't trust Sawyer anymore , I know he'll leave me after he gets my virginity .

'' I think It'll be better if I just walk home . '' I suggested , not wanting to actually hang out with Sawyer .

He looked at me in disgust and disappointment . '' Whatever , Tori . '' He spat , walking away from me over to Kat Lisa (The Head Cheerleader) He started to flirt with her and I wasn't surprised at all . If he couldn't get sex from me (His own girlfriend) He'd definitely get it from someone else . I didn't have time to go after him or chase him , I was already 10 minutes late for practice . SHIT !

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