James had moved behind Lily and slipped his arms around her waist.

"Why do you make Remus sing?" Lily asked, bewildered, as she eyed the strange choir.

She could feel James shrug. "We needed someone to offset their high little voices, and Remus didn't mind. Not really, anyway. Secretly, old Moony loves this just as much as they do."

Lily nodded thoughtfully as she watched Sirius once again pause the choir.

Several hours later, Sirius seemed to feel he was getting somewhere. He called everyone in close, and announced that he thought they were ready to give it a proper try. James beamed.

However, it took about seven of Sirius' "proper tries" for any definite lyrics to emerge… And when they did, Lily found herself clapping her hands over her mouth, although whether it was to hide her horror or her amusement, Lily herself couldn't be quite sure.

" I saw Minnie kissing Dumbledore

Underneath the mistletoe last night

They didn't see me creep

Down the stairs to have a peep

They thought that I was tucked up in my dorm-room fast asleep


Then, I saw Minnie tickle Dumbledore

Underneath his beard so snowy white

Oh, what a laugh it would have been

If Sluggy had only seen

Minnie kissing Dumbledore last night


I saw Minnie kissing Dumbledore

Underneath the mistletoe last night

They didn't see me creep

Down the stairs to have a peep

They thought that I was tucked up in my dorm-room fast asleep


Then, I saw Minnie tickle Dumbledore

Underneath his beard so snowy white

Oh, what a laugh it would have been

If Sluggy had only seen

Minnie kissing Dumbledore last night

Last night!"

James turned to Lily, grinning. "Well, what do you think?"

Lily thought about it for a moment. True, the sound of all the chorusing house-elves (plus Remus) had been quite amusing, and the carol was essentially a classic. On the other hand, it was so terribly offensive, not only to poor Professor McGonagall but also Professor Dumbledore himself…. And then, Lily remembered.

"Why didn't you just use that 'Oh Snivelly' song you used to torture Snape earlier this year? And what is it with you Marauders and Christmas Carols, anyway?"

James shrugged. "Well," he said reasonably. "They're fun, and festive, and they brighten the castle. We make up a new one every year. And we couldn't use that one again because the lyrics weren't very Christmassy any more, were they?"

Lily had to concede point. "I suppose not, no."

"So?" James prompted, smiling as though he already knew the answer.

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