“Well, yes, now you know. I’m sorry Father, Mother, but I’m dreadfully busy. There are so many things to do before the Acceptance Ceremony. I need to see to the rehearsals and to the set up and make sure that everything goes well during the ceremony later. Would you please excuse me?” he got up from the table, allowing the chair to scrape across the floor.

“Yes, sure,” Lady Melody said. “Run along and do all the things you have to do. Your father and I will be getting ready for the ceremony as well.”

Song nodded at them and left the room. 

“He’s changed a lot,” Lord Rhythm said with a disdainful sniff. “I don’t know what kind of manners they’ve been teaching him here, but that was downright rude of him.”

“Well - he is the King in Waiting and -”

“Would Music do such a thing to us? I don’t think so.”

“You’re being too hard on him,” she insisted. “I’m sure once things have settle down he’ll come and look for us and we’ll be a happy family once again.”

“Believe all you want, Melody, something is different in him and I don’t think I like it.”

Melody patted her husband’s hand. “Let’s go for a walk in the gardens. I’m sure that will do your temper good.” 

Arm in arm, they walked out to the garden and sat at the bench facing the lake. The water rippled in the slight breeze. No birds were in sight. Over the stillness, they could hear the sounds of the rehearsal wafting towards them, sometime soft, sometimes louder.

Gravel crunched underfoot and Rhythm turned around to look at who was approaching.

“Rhythm, Melody,” King Music greeted them.

“Your Majesty,” Rhythm rose to bow. Melody curtsied beside him. The king waved for them to sit and took a seat beside Rhythm on the bench.

“We are proud of your son,” he said, gazing out into the lake. 

“We are too,” Rhythm said. 

“He has been a fine pupil. Eager to learn, eager to please, full of enjoyment of the Song and of life.”

“That’s good to hear.”

“Did you manage to meet him yet?”

“Yes, we spoke to him quite briefly earlier. He claimed to be very busy and rushed off quite abruptly.”

The King frowned, turning to Rhythm. “Did he? That’s odd. He should actually be resting and preparing himself for the ceremony. Wouldn’t spending time with you as a family help him to focus?”

“He obviously doesn’t think much of us as a family any more,” Rhythm said curtly. “Did you agree to his engagement? I thought it strange that he did not inform us about it.”

“Engagement? What engagement?”

“To Beauty. He told us that he had proposed…”

“I was not aware of that,” the King answered. “Wouldn’t he need both your permission and her parents’ permission?”

Lord Rhythm arched an eyebrow. “I thought so too. But it seems that Song, our dear King in WAiting, feels that it is alright for him to buck tradition.”

“Impossible. Things must be done properly,” King Music said primly. “I will need to speak to him. But maybe after today. I think there is much to be done today,” he sighed. “Rhythm, there is something troubling me. Would you walk with me for a while? If I may steal your husband for a few minutes, my lady?” he asked Lady Melody, kissing her hand.

“Oh I’m sure it’s no trouble,” she said with a twinkle in her eye.

“Thank you.”

The two men walked away from the bench, out of earshot. 

“I’m not sure if this was supposed to happen - but every since your son passed the Rights of Kingship, I have not been able to hear the Song of the World clearly. It’s as if there is a shadow between us. Every thing I hear is distorted. Everything I play comes out discordant. I don’t know if I will be here long enough to correct the things that are going wrong. I feel as if I am fading, fading preternaturally fast.”

“What can I do?”

“I need you to watch over Song, Rhythm. If I die before my time, you will be the only father figure he has in his life. I know that you have not been close since he has been studying here for ten years. It was my fault, I admit that. I should have let him go home more often. But these are trying, desperate times, and I did what I thought was best then. Now I am not so sure.”

“What has been done has been done, my King. We can only do our best to the best of our knowledge.”

“That’s true.” Music sighed. “I don’t know if he will still listen to you, but I hope he does. You need to guide him. You may not have the talent that he has, but you have the integrity and the noble breeding that I feel is still lacking in him. I am sorry that we have been poor teachers to your son. I am so sorry.”

“We will watch over him, Melody and I, if any thing should happen to you.”

“Thank you Rhythm. I feel that things are not right with the world.”

The Song of the World (nanowrimo13)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora