The pledge of a proxy above.

I walked into slenders room and stood in front of him. I kept my head down like I was supposed to.

Slender took my wrist and slowly he started to carve the symbol of the proxy into my skin. I didn't hiss in pain. I just said the pledge.

"I'm here to serve. I will not disobey or lie to my master. I will be with my partner whether I like it or not. After I accept this life I cannot return to my old one. I'll try to find happiness and love even if its impossible. I'm nor human or demon. I'm a proxy. And I'm here to serve my master." I say clearly.

I felt the pain of bonding my soul to slender and I fell to my knees breathing heavily. I heard a very familiar growl and looked up.

There stood LJ glaring at slender. I tried to give him a smile but it turned into a grimace of pain.

"How could you?! She's only 19 and your putting her through the pain you've felt over the last I don't know 400 years. You idiot!" He yelled.

He tried to get to me and slender but I used one of my special powers to hold him back weakly.

I winced in pain again and again until it all stopped. I tried standing up but I couldn't.

I felt slender pick me up as I closed my eyes trying to calm my breathing.

He rubbed my back as I put my head in the crook of his neck.

"I'm fine LJ I've been through worse." I said weakly.

"You should go kill as soon as you feel better." Slender said. He winced and I glared.

"Quit looking through my memories." I growled out.

"Child I have to to know what not to say or do." He said calmly.

I just nodded wanting to sleep.

"LJ take her back to her room so she can sleep." Slender told LJ.

He nodded and took me from slender taking me to my room and laying me on my bed.

He took my wrist and looked at the mark.

"I thought he was joking when he said he was going to make you one of his proxy's." LJ whispered.

"Slender never jokes he's always serious. He doesn't even laugh." I said trying to stay awake.

"Just sleep as soon as you wake up I'm taking you to kill." He said soothing my hair.

LJ has always been my brother figure to me. Even after I told him my past. I guess they aren't all the same.

I fell asleep dreaming the same dream I've been dreaming since the first day I got here.


I walked through the forest shivering in the cold snow.

Then I saw a figure ahead and turned to run. But before I had time to the figure had my wrist a concerned look on its face.

"Little girl why do you have horns and are alone in the woods? Its dangerous we in here."

"P-please let go. I n-n-need to find my friend." I lied.

"OK I'll help." The man said.

"W-w-who a-are you?" I asked.

"Nathan. Nathan The Nobody." He said.

And then everything went black.

End of dream.

I woke up feeling better and called for LJ.

He smirked walking into my room.

"Did he?" I asked. I had set up a trap in bens room. As soon as he walks in he will be glitterfied.

LJ nodded. A small giggle left my mouth.

I tried to keep a straight face as I walked down the stairs.

"Look at what she did to me. A killer never goes out killing looking like this!" Ben all but yelled. I couldn't hide my laughter anymore and a small laugh made it out.

Ben glared at me. Then I burst out laughing at what I heard next.

"Oh. My. God. Ben finally showed his gay side I see." I heard Jeff say.

"Jackass." Ben muttered.

I only shook my head as I walked out the door instantly spotting a man. Close to the nation taking pictures.

He spotted me and took off. I ran after him and eventually he stopped and froze.

He was staring at somebody. I looked around him. What I saw brought tears to my eyes.

Nathan stood there his knife out eyes on the man.

I jumped up into a tree as 2 more people showed up. Poor guy.

"Nathan." I whispered.

Apparently he heard me and looked up locking eyes with me.

He ran towards my tree. I got up and jumped to a different tree heading back to the mansion.

All of a sudden I missed a branch and fell. I landed on my side hearing a painful crack.

I cried out.

Nathan ran to my side and turned me over.

"Brittany? What are you do---What is that on your wrist?!" He yelled.

He picked up my wrist and touched my proxy mark.

"Y-your a proxy?" He said.

I just nodded as black dots appeared in my vision and I blacked out.


Sorry for another short chapter but I won't be updating Mondays - Fridays goodbye and have a good day!

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