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Shauna stood on the balcony, waiting for Serena.
"When will she be here?" Shauna said quietly to herself
(Serena is so cool) she thought. (Serena is a cool, mature, modern, basically full-on adult and I'm just a stupid child)
"Hey Shauna, I'm here," came a voice
from behind her. She turned around to see Serena had come through the door behind her.
"Oh, you're here," Shauna replied
"Yeah, sorry I took so long, I decided to look around"
"Oh don't worry about it. Let's just watch the fireworks, Kay?
"Alright," They smiled at each other.

"Oh, they're starting!" Serena exclaimed.
Shauna looked up at the sky to see beautiful bright fireworks lighting up the sky.
"Ah, so pretty!" Shauna shouted, looking at the sky.
"Yes, they are, aren't they?" Serena said, smiling sweetly.
Shauna reached for Serena's hand.
"Er, Shauna, what are you doing?
Serena nodded and let Shauna hold her hand
"I don't think I'll ever forget these fireworks. 'Cause I watched them with you, Serena."

"Aw, that's nice," said Serena "now let's get to our room."
"Okay!" Shauna said happily. "I'm glad they're letting us stay the night here"
"Me too, now I'm tired. Let's go."

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