Without Your love

146 16 22

This poem is dedicated to my dear friend teetaas and tooptaap
And of course the person give me the strength to write in Wattpad.
Thanks for your courage guys..
And all my dear author for their incredible helps through their stories.
Now enjoy it.

Some are written,
Some are hidden,
Some are blank as verse.
Some have words,
Some have silence,
Some need to reconstruct.
Some are missing,
Some are chasing,
Some are yet to discover.
The autumn leaves,
The mild breeze,
Make me feel abandoned
Without you, without your love..

I hope you enjoyed.
Please do vote and comment if you like.
And yeah if you need to correct me, please do but sweetly don't scold me please.
Thank you for reading.
Thank you @polaries_reader for helping me to correct the mistakes...

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