Chapter 3

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Glimmer's POV

I wander around, the spread my large enderdragon wings, flying upwards. Once I reach a hight that I liked, I flew around. I think of how horrible it is to be a hybrid... No friends... No other hybrids... How could there be? Suddenly, I see a flash of bright purple. I keep hidden, but investigate. After searching, I see someone with brown hair, brown eyes, and a purple cape/hoodie. I keep hidden, but whoever it is, says, "Glimmer, I know you're there." He looks directly at me, then somehow parts the leaves that I was hiding behind, from several feet away.

"W-who are you?" I back away, my purple dragon eyes starting to glow. "Hmmm... Another hybrid..." He walks towards me. "Stay away!" I growl, and spit fire at him, but he doesn't seem to be affected by it. "You thought there were no other hybrids, I'm guessing?" He says, levitating, then relaxing in midair. "Yes... Why?" I back away. "No need to be afraid. The name's Seto. I am a sorcerer... And also, there ARE other hybrids... Even Eclipse, the last sorceress, is a hybrid... She's a winged wolf." He smiles at me. I feel a little safer around him now. "Where are they?" I ask. "In our Hybrid High School." He says. I give him a questioning look. "Follow me."


Yay! Another OC!!!! :D Anyways... Bye!


ps. Have you noticed how my outro is ALWAYS "Anyways... Bye!



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