"So that's settle then." Cedric clapped his hand and rubbing it with each other "I'm not going to be hungry anymore."

As we finished our conversation, I turned around away from the table to look at the other tables below.

Ofcourse there are groups. The emos, writing in their notebook. With their appearance, black rimmed eyes and black clothes. Black everything. They sure hella scary. The nerds, which is way too unapproachable with their books on left hand and food on the right hand. The Nerdy gamers, not eating anything just playing with their gadgets and one just screamed standing up "GG mates" while the other nerdy gamers started talking. Im guessing making up excuses. The dancers, with their headphones on and slightly swaying to the beat. The selfie- queens, with their phones out taking photos of their food. And some other random groups. The varsities wearing proudly their varsity uniform. They are all hunky guys but not as hunky as the whitees. I wonder what sports they are. The accepted kids, nerdy like but is somewhat similar as the popular kids. The controversial kids, the mixed group. Both liked and disliked, these kids are often the class clowns as I can see in what they are doing; likable kids with embarrassing habits and someone in their group is excessively nose-picking, bullies who instill both fear and loyalty, and rebels who stand up to teachers and talk back.

"Finally!" Cedric yelled making me turn around "Food!" Cedric and I yelled in unison.

I heard them laughing at our similarities. Throwing away the thought of embarassment, I looked at the tray going up from a mini elevator. Wow, they sure look delicious. As the maid gave us our tray one by one, I keep thinking to myself.

What if they didn't bring me food? Eyy who would do that. No one can forget me, right?

My fear came to reality. It was one tray short,

The maid looked at me confused.

"Uhm, Excuse ma'am. No AB-lister below are allowed in this private balcony and why are you expecting me to give you food?" The maid said with a sassy voice.


"So sorry. I-isn't their a li-list?" I asked the maid shyly.

"Yes their is! And I cant seem to find another extra number THERE, In the list their are only 8 students. I cant to find a number 9." She took out a crumpled parchment paper and started reading from it. "Katelyn Lance R. Delevigne, Jhano B. Hyun, Trixie F. Ketchum, Cedric U. Madrigal,Cyan P. Mendez, Monica M. Paschel, Lemuel Nathaniel Park, and lastly Lachlan M. Power."

"Yo-you called my name ma'am." She raised an eyebrow "Cyan P. Mendez" I said once again shyly. Why aren't they helping me.

"Then who is she, huh?" She said pointing at Naomi without unlocking her look at me.

The soon after she is soaking wet. Cedric and Jhano dump the freezing cold water to the madi with tight clothes and making that reveal her undies, which is pink and unmatched.

What the heck which is their yellow water rolling down her legs?

"She peed herself!" Lachlan yelled loudly that all the students hear the information soon all of them are laughing at the sight of the maid coming down the staircase.

"Don't worry i'll get you food," Lachlan said sweetly.

"Oh" I said standing up "I can do it myself" and started walking away.

Not knowing where it is, I turned to look at them and ask "Where is it exactly?"

"Just go downstairs and the door to you left. Follow the dripping." Cedric helped me out.

As I went downstairs following Cedric's direction to where the kitchen is, I can feel all eyes one me. I heard someone whispered "Why is she on the private balcony." Now i'm following the dripping. This is so weird. I wonder what I look like. Looking at the floor, following the drippings of the wet maid. And soon after I was infront of a red door titled "Kitchen"

I knocked hesitantly at the door but my look they heard it. A young boy with brown hair and light blue eyes greeted me "Hi, how may I help you?"

How do I say it

Maybe. I need food. No its too embarassing

"I'm an AB-lister and I need food." I said.

what the heck did I just said.

"Oh, are you the one who fought with my sister?" He said with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry about that," I said rubbing my elbow.

"No worries, here is your food." He said giving me the tray.

How did that happen.

I went back to the private balcony still ignoring the looks im getting from all the students.The first thing I saw was Cedric tray of food almost half empty. With the empty seat at the side of Lemuel I sat down next to him. Not listening to their conversation, I started eating the burrito bowl which was different from the other food they were eating, which is tacos. Noticing Cedric's fork went near my food, I slapped his hand making the fork drop.

"Roses are red, Violet are blue, This burrito bowl is big but not enough for two." I said looking at him with enraged eyes.

"Woah. Calm down PG. Its not fair that you can get a burrito bowl but us-" Cedric has head on the palm of his hand and lazily playing with his food "We get this."

"Don't make her pity you Cedric." Lachlan started talking, shoving away Cedric's hands away from the food "Atleast we now know shes a PG." Lachlan infromed them laughing.

I just looked at my food and continue eating. A couple minutes later the boy who gave me my food earlier came up with a bowl full of chips and guacamole. He put the chips at the middle of our table. Feeling still hungry, I reached out for a chip. Then I feel warmth at the side of my hand. Looking at it, I was shocked to see. Me and Lemuel was grabbing the same piece of chip

Ok, Cyan this your time to shine. Be cute and all. You've seen this in movies, where the same situation is happening. You'll start of with 'Oh, you can take it' then the other person will say the 'No, you can take it' and so continue.

"Oh you can take it." I said shyly flickering my eyes.

But wait, isn't that only happen for the last chips? and when you're just with him?

I receive a confused look from him. Feeling embarrassed, I looked away grabbing a chips and dipping it TWICE. Such a crime in humanity. With doing in that so, Cedric gave an angry expression.

Great Cyan! You're so good in flirting. 2nd day of school, tuesday, and i'm already getting conquered by my twin.

Just in time as we finished eating the bell was now signaling us that lunch is now over.

Being me, I formed a plan. Since the cafeteria is full of students. Ill leave soon after them. Ill just double check my things. Looking up to check if the students are all gone, I noticed that the whitees and bitches are all gone. Even Naomi wow they sure are eager to get to classes.

I wore my back pack and went down the stair. I was shocked that one of the whitees is calling me.

"Cyan! Ill come with you." Lachlan caught my attention with his sky blue eyes still hiding some secret.

"Ok" I agreed.

"and we need to talk." Not exactly knowing what he wants to talk about I just let him continue.

And with that we went outside the cafeteria and walked together. No sign where Naomi is.

Morbid Life Of A Nerd - Kys VersionWhere stories live. Discover now