"I don't understand her," James muttered angrily, perching on the edge of his old bed. Sirius, reclined back on his own four-poster bed, simply shrugged. "One minute she's all friendly and smiley and cheerful, and the next she's crying her heart out on my shoulder, and the next she talks to me like she doesn't even like me a little. I just don'tunderstand!"

Sirius shrugged, not looking in the least sympathetic. But, then again, Sirius' experience with women was rather limited, despite his reputation. And, to be brutally honest, the women of the Black family were not a very accurate measure of the rest of society.

"Mate, honestly, will you ever?"

James sighed, and ran his fingers through his messy hair. Pinching his nose, he sighed.

"But what made her think that she and Scummy would make a good pair in the first place? And why can't she see the same thing between us? It's there, I'm sure it is."

Remus stuck his head out of the boys' bathroom, his hair still wet, and spiky from the towel he was using to dry it.

"Scamander's always been a flatterer," Remus murmured. "You're not, James. You see and like Lily for who she is – but you don't flatter her. Not like Scamander does."

James scowled. "Don't even mention that name," he muttered.

Sirius, Remus and Peter all exchanged grim smiles. Sirius swept the hair from his eyes and laughed ironically, his eyes glittering with malicious mirth. Peter leant forward, a little too eager to clue James in, considering the Head Boy was obviously not in the mood to hear of their most recent prank. Nevertheless -

"Actually, Prongs, I don't think you heard about Scummy's little mishap, did you?" Peter asked enthusiastically.

James raised his eyebrows. "What did you lot do?"

"And it was like he was offended or something! I mean everyone knows he was only joking, right?"

Emmeline snorted in a very un-ladylike show of disbelief. "You have to be kidding me, Lily. James is crazy for you, and we've always joked you were the only one not to notice, but we never actually thought…You never once considered he might actually still have feelings for you?" Emmeline rolled her eyes, twisting her long hair up into a bun. "Honestly, girl…"

Potter was serious? No, Lily concluded. Emmeline must be delusional. Potter hadn't asked her out in years. And had he been interested, Lily was sure she would have known about it.

Of course, the Head Girl conveniently ignored the entire stag incident.

She shrugged; collapsing back against her pillows, and shook her head. "The way I see it, he got over that a long time ago, Em. The Marauders are a bunch of fun-time boys who no one should ever take seriously, right?"

Emmeline felt like hitting Lily over the head: she really did. Luckily for Lily, as she was already nursing the remnants of a hangover, and as Emmeline did indeed possess some sympathy, she suppressed that particular urge. She settled for a piece of choice truth, with just a hint of sarcasm.

"Open your eyes, Lily. They've grown up, all of them - some more than others. But it seems like… well, some things haven't changed."

Someone cleared their throat from the doorway, and both girls turned to find the subject of their conversation standing there quite nervously. Emmeline stood very quickly.

"Remus! I think this is my cue to leave," she announced, smiling at the sandy-haired boy on her way out. "I'll tell Professor Vaspish you're still not well, Lily."

Remus nodded his greeting in return, and approached Lily's bed, gazing about her room, impressed. This must be the first time he's been up here, Lily realised suddenly. She bit her lip. Which brought her to –why was he here?Lily could only think of one reason.

"Hello Remus," she smiled shyly. "What are you doing here?"

Remus shrugged. "Free period. Thought I'd see how you were. Skiving Divination, Lily?" he teased.

Lily looked up at him, unsure of what to say. They stood regarding each other for several minutes before Lily decided to break the ice.

"Is Potter terribly angry at me?"

The boy looked taken aback. That had been the last question Remus had expected.

"Oh, he'll get over it," he replied, surprised. "I didn't come here to talk about James, Lily. I came to see how you were recovering." He paused, smiling. "I heard you had quite an – er – adventure?"

Lily grimaced. "I heard that too," she muttered, blushing.

Remus grinned, taking Emmeline's seat beside her bed. "So what did you hear? We can trade information."

Lily and Remus sat, laughing, as each described the various stories that both James and Emmeline had related to them, and debating the truthfulness of what appeared to have become known as the 'great underwear drawer invasion.' Lily's face grew brighter and brighter with every teasing anecdote.

"I think I owe Potter a few bottles of Hog's Head's finest," Lily murmured, mildly mortified.

"Excuse me!"

The Carved Witch's voice rang up through the tower, and Remus stuck his head out the door.

"Artemis Scamander requesting entry."

Scamander. Of all the nerve... Remus froze. He should probably leave, he concluded reluctantly. Although… Lily might appreciate the moral support.

Remus' eyes darted back to Lily's suddenly stony face. She gave him a curt nod.

"Lily says to let him in," Remus relayed, and almost immediately he heard the oak door swing open in reply.

He turned to look at the Head Girl questioningly. She was currently getting out of bed.

"Do you want me to stay?" he offered gently.

Lily nodded, her eyes grateful. "Thanks," she muttered quietly.

They emerged onto the gallery that bordered three sides of the common room from above. Lily leant against the railing, managing to look majestic even in her pyjamas, or so Remus thought. Remus himself remained back, leaning against the wall in an attempt to render himself invisible unless Lily needed him.

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